Wednesday, April 28, 2021

On the mend

We got to the vets a little before 8am. It was a different woman at the front desk, than on Friday. Got him checked in and she says ok, see you around 4pm! We are like umm....since we drive an hour to get here, the vet told us he could have it done in about 2 or so hours, so we could wait...She's like oh ok, well, usually it takes at least 3 hours. Pup had no anxiety going inside this time and went right back with them. As she was taking him back I looked down at her schedule book, because the vet had told us he would block out his whole schedule from 8-10am so he only has our dog to work on, and I saw that he had done that.

We decided (or rather dh did, LOL) to go for a drive on farther north, since we had never been in that area before. Pretty drive and sunny skies. We stopped in the next small town. They had several parks and with restroom facilities so we used one of those and took a little walk down to see the reservoir. Then back in the car for some more driving. Stopped at a bigger reservior/power plant and took the trail path down to see that. Saw lots of geese and a bald eagle. Earlier we had seen a huge heard of elk. Went a little farther and pulled in a dirt road. I had no idea where dh was going. We went just a bit, parked, got out and walked a bit. He was looking for an old racetrack that used to be there and sure enough, we could make out what was once a dirt racetrack and on the other side were some leftover stands and a scoring tower. All grown over and long since raced on. The rest of the drive he babbled on about wouldn't it be neat to make it into a racetrack again? no....LOL. Went up one more small town and stopped at a little tiny store and got something to drink and a couple candy bars. By then it was 10:30 so we headed back. Most of the time we were out of cell service. Picked up pup at 11:30. Vet said he thinks he got it all out and is sending it in for testing to see if cancerous/what it is. We have to take him back in about 12 days to have the stitches removed. We were kind of rushed out of there ($532 later) and after we got home I was like hmmm...nothing given like antibiotics or pain meds? Ok, well, he's on an advil like pain med for his arthritis, so maybe that's why no pain meds. But, when that mobile vet removed the cyst from our other dog, he gave me antibiotics for 10 days and pain meds for a couple days.

For the first few hours we were home he was very restless (and wobbly) and whining quite a bit. I kept thinking he must be in pain! But it turns out he was whining every time dh went out to the garage or outside, LOL, because as soon as I'd sit by him he'd stop or stop when dh came back inside. He gradually got better and stopped the whining, drank some water and even ate a little food last evening. He slept well, in his usual spot on the floor next to my side of the bed and he ate this morning.  Since the stitches are on the front of his chest that he can't reach, he thankfully doesn't need a cone. Hopefully, he got it all out, though I'm not sure how he knows for sure? Like I said, we were standing at the front desk being told this and felt rushed. He was trying to tell us, while at the same time the lady is trying to get me to pay.  I'll get more info when we go back for the stitches removed.

Mr and Mrs Neighbor are worn out after 5 days of their DIL and 4 little boys. Only 1 more day to go! Mrs. took the week off. She had to take 2 of her dogs to the vet Monday morning and as she got home and was trying to coral her 2 dogs back in the confines of their property after opening the car, she rolled her eyes at dh, who was working out in our yard. One dog managed to get in our yard, so dh walked over to the gate between us to let him back over. Mrs. says she got just got home and every single door to the outside of the house is wide open.....and it's not exactly warm out. It was like 45 at that time of day. She said Thursday, when they all go home, can't come soon enough.

And later the mom was outside with the boys, who are, as usual screaming their heads off (and one of them is always crying.) She's on her phone. Dh decided this was the perfect time to mow our lawn, that has suddenly grown like crazy the past week and due for the first of the season mowing. Figured good way to drown out the screaming. Well....apparently firing up the lawn mower was annoying DIL's vacation time as she got up in a huff and went inside the house, LOL. Sorry you are annoyed by us Lady - we actually LIVE here. I looked out the dining room windows yesterday afternoon and see a big beachball type ball in their back yard...well, that's going to end up blown down the river bank and floating down the river!

My dd did that dog dna test a couple years ago. She just got notification that another dog is a 50% match with hers. Looks very much like her dog. She messaged with the lady and she described his personality of loving to watch animals on tv, which is exactly like dd's dog. He also doesn't like loud noises, same as hers. She has yet to determine where this lady got her dog, but I'm guessing it has to be a same parent to have 50% same DNA, her dog is 6, so a different litter/age. My dd's little dog is very unique. He's a tiny thing, that looks like a tiny Australian Shepherd. I can't remember what her DNA said he was a mix of - Aussie, cattle dog, and some small dog dna's.

I was just walking back from the bathroom to my office and see out the windows a deers butt go running by out the back windows, LOL. 


  1. Hope everything is just fine with your dog. I think your DH hit the bullseye with timing his grass moving. Lol!

  2. Glad the pup made it through surgery well and hoping they got it all out..Hopefully he's doing better today or he may be more sore... Hmm your neighbor sounds lovely.. LOL.. I had to laugh when you're husband started up the mower. Perfect timing LOL

    1. He's a little sore, but doing well today. Mostly he just wants to follow dh around, and then will lay down and watch him when he gets tired.
