Sunday, April 18, 2021

Problem gone

I had to run to town yesterday and as I drove by the camper there was a red truck hooked up to it. On my way back by I drove a bit slower to take a look and the guy was definitely hooking up and all the junk he had strewn around the camper the past 3 weeks was cleaned up. Hallelujah! DH was busy with work gloves on and a face mask thing as he was sanding wood with the power sander, so Mr. Neighbor let the Forest Service law guy know the guy was actually there (in know...they wanted to arrest him on the warrant he has?....). Supposedly the FS law guy said he stopped at the campsite the night before and the guy was there and told he needs to move out of there. Not sure why he wasn't arrested if he has a warrant? Who knows. But, like dh said - hopefully he just isn't moving himself down the road on the other side of us!

We have only heard gunshots coming from across the river one day in the last week and only one day in the week prior. I did hear one single shot on Thursday - but it's also hunting season again, for turkey and bear, so it's very possible that shot was a hunter. Especially as there was only one shot.

I got lots of cleaning done yesterday. I dusted really good, cleaned our bathroom and shower out, washed all the windows in our doors inside and out. In the afternoon I stained the pieces dh has ready for the garden foot bridge he is building. We've decided to do 2 coats of stain, so I'll be doing the next coat this morning after I finish this post up.

My dd was very happy to have their new fridge installed yesterday morning. By evening she had gone to the store and stocked it up and sent a pic of how roomy it is inside. I'm like dang - that's a lot of healthy food, LOL. 

DH had put up his game camera to see what was moving the pinecones out of the island. It's a raven, LOL. Just picking them up and flinging them out. Not sure why. We've been adding pinecones since last summer/fall and never did it before.

Another sunny warm day - at least until this afternoon. And then snow is predicted overnight.


  1. I am so glad the trouble is now gone hopefully for good and far. As for the raven, I guess it's decoration taste is different than you guys. Or may be it is thinking, this is some sort of a game you are voluntarily playing. Lol!

    1. I've heard crows and ravens are extremely intelligent so wouldn't surprise me, LOL

  2. I think it is funny that the raven is just throwing me out. Maybe yu could cover the place with a net until he gets tired of the net and pinecones. It might be too much trouble to arrest the guy. I think I might question that. At least the guy and trash is gone. It will be interesting where they land next. I would be a little frightened to live where people could hunt.

    1. They are not supposed to be able to hunt on any private land, unless owners permission. On state land, they still have to be a certain distance away from private land. I wouldn't want to be out hiking a trail during hunting season, but perfectly fine here at our house

  3. I'm also glad the camper guy has been moved on, but I hope it was him that had to clear his crap up too!

    1. I'm pretty sure he cleaned it up, as I drove by he was hooking up to his truck and it was cleaned up all around it.
