Saturday, April 17, 2021

Sunny Saturday

Other than neighbor dogs barking at the survey guy, they all did really well on their own yesterday. After he was gone they were completely quiet the rest of the day. Mr. Neighbor texted dh and said ok be honest. how were they? I see the bark collar is still here. DH replied that other than barking at the surveying guy (to be expected) they were perfect. That probably will backfire on us, as now they'll leave them out - but they go home next weekend, at least.

My dd is very excited to finally have her new refrigerator delivered today. Almost 2 weeks without one, other than the tiny one in their camper. The salesman discounted the sale price by the amount of the warranty, so they got a warranty, too and their old one will be hauled away.

We have a pair of Canadian geese that fly by along the river every morning. I hear them honking first and then see them skimming along the top of the water. They just went by. We are still really missing our two bald eagles. The nest remains empty and our telescope not getting used to watch them. I am going to figure out how to use it for stars, LOL.

A beautiful sunny morning, going to be 70 today. I now know what dh bought those concrete blocks for. We had talked before about putting a "bridge" across the "rock river" that is out in the front of our property, but ones I found online to buy weren't long enough. The concrete blocks are for building his own bridge. He put those in yesterday morning (we have really rocky ground so it's a chore) and then in the afternoon started on the bridge with some leftover beams he still has. I'm not quite sure what it's going to look like, but so far I'm sure it's going to be great. I'm sure he'll work some more on it today. I have housecleaning as usual to do, but I did do part of my mopping yesterday after work, while he was still out in the garage (we had a late dinner), so I can split up the strain on my back, doing it. Now I won't have as much to do today.

The vet office did call me Thursday to say the ashes are ready. I told her we'd like to bring other dog in for a checkup, as it's been a year since he last saw a vet, so we are doing that next Friday morning and I'll just take the day off work and will make for a 3 day weekend.

Time to go back downstairs and get some breakfast. I always drink a cup of coffee first and then breakfast later. And time to go give the chickens their morning bread treat.


  1. It is a sunny day here, too. It is a beautiful Saturday. I hope the geese don't disappear, too. The bridge sounds interesting.

    1. We do hear some eagle(s) calling, so just hoping it's same ones and they just moved to a new nest, but still a bummer not to be able to watch them. I was looking forward to watching her sit in on her eggs for weeks. I'll post pics when the bridge is done :)

  2. We had a beautiful day here in SC!..... We went to the town yard sale this morning. They cordon off like 5 blocks downtown and people and stores come and bring their wares to sell... I wasn't so much interested in buying anything as I was just getting out on this gorgeous day. I did find a couple treasures though that I'll be sharing on my blog next week. We also went to the local nursery because for my birthday this year I wanted two very specific trees. I got the one and settled on the second..LOL.. I'll share those also...Hope you had a good day!

    1. That sounds like a totally perfect day :) I love finding treasures when you aren't really looking.
