Monday, April 5, 2021

Quiet Sunday

It was a quiet Easter Sunday, but we didn't really have anything planned anyway. Our retired friend, who lives in town, dh had texted him about our dog, so he stopped by for a visit yesterday afternoon, which was nice. We also got to listen to the gun shooter for about an hour. Of course it started up while we were outside, doing chores. Guess he couldn't even take a break on Easter.

DH is so sad, but I think part of it is our dog passed on the same day his dad passed away, 2 years ago. Our other dog is doing ok, but when he's outside he keeps going to the spot on the grass and sniffing where the older dog had laid down, before we put him in the car.  I did tell my mom Saturday afternoon, when I called her, but I don't think she remembered when I called her yesterday morning.

She also called me yesterday afternoon worried she was missing her check register and thought someone stole it. Sigh......I really don't know what to do. I had hoped since she doesn't really have to write checks anymore she'd kind of forget about it. I log into my account online every morning and hers is linked to mine, so I see it too. I don't really need a register for her (I don't use one myself anymore). I'm thinking of just giving it back to her and just not worrying if she gets it updated or not. It always seems to be Sunday afternoon when she wants to figure out her banking. I wonder if that was when she used to take care of it all, when she could remember. If she calls to figure out her register, I'll just have to tell her she'll have to look at her online transactions to see what she needs to write down and leave it at that. She won't get it done and forget all about it for another 2-3 weeks and repeat. I guess I'd rather have her frustrated she needs to update it vs. thinking someone stole it. Lesser of 2 evils, I guess.

She also thought she had 2 $20 bills and they are missing, so someone took them. I said well, when you were here last weekend and I took you home you had one $20 in your wallet and you gave it to me so I could buy you the Advil at Walgreens and I gave you back 2 5's in change. She said she doesn't have the 5's and doesn't remember spending them on anything (could have been bingo). When I took her home I asked if she wanted to stop and get some cash out to have on hand, but she thought she was ok with what she had. That's the hard part, if she has cash and spends it she totally forgets that she did and thinks someone took it.  I think I may just have to start having some $20's with me and when I visit her, just always make sure she has a couple in her wallet, then she will probably just think it's the same ones.

She hasn't mentioned her boyfriend the past 2 days. When I called her Friday, he was visiting in her apartment and it sounds like they had gone to the "devotional" activity that morning. She's so funny. She's always been a very fickle church person, LOL. When she was growing up, my grandparents never went to church. She met my dad, who was Catholic, so she became Catholic and a few years after they were married they moved back to where his parents lived, so most likely went to church with my grandma as she always went to Saturday evening mass. They had me baptized Catholic.They divorced when I was 1 years old and she moved back to where her parents lived. She never went to church when I was growing up, so I had no clue what it was all about or going to mass. I went a few times when I'd visit my grandma for a couple weeks every summer, but felt like I was a fish out of water and no one bothered to explain any of it to me. And when she married my step dad (who adopted me) he didn't go to church. They were married like 36 years, no interest in church. Then she started dating her previous boyfriend (who they were friends with him and his (now deceased) wife for many years. He was a regular church goer and suddenly she was all about church. She used to go to church with him, but later they just started watching a Sunday sermon on the tv. After he passed away (almost a year and a half ago now) she was back to no interest in church. I thought maybe she would still watch on tv. Living here now, when she will look at her activity calendar and tell me what is going on, she'll be reading off the activities for the day and when it's something to do with church/religion, she will say "oh, I'm not interested in going to that". But, suddenly a new boyfriend in the picture and he's apparently a church goer, so she's back at it, LOL.

We were expecting rain last night so we stacked our new patio chairs underneath the covered part, so they wouldn't get all wet, as well as moved the table over to be covered. We don't get much rain, especially in summer, but figured it would be easier to just keep it dry as possible. I'm sure it will last longer overall, not getting wet all the time. I still need to get an umbrella for it.

Our neighbors were of course sad to hear about our dog, just as we were so sad when they lost their oldest dog awhile back. Thankfully, there has been no excessive barking and they are doing a great job to keep their sons dogs crated inside when they aren't home. Finally, we haven't had to be complainers.


  1. I'm sure your dog misses his buddy. Dogs are so sensitive. I know you & your husband are still trying to come to terms with the loss. :*(
    Can you give your mom a fake register. Nothing she could do any damage with. She's use to being financially independent & responsible for her bills. That can be hard to let go of. I know this is frustrating on your end too.

    1. Basically, when I give her back her register it's just going to now be the "fake" register. Like you said, she'll think she has it and is in control

  2. I taped a laminated sign in my dad's room right above the table he sits at that says:
    You are at CHC because you were sick
    M... has your wallet and keys at her house for safekeeping
    M... has your checkbook at her house

    You get the idea... just a visual reminder of where he is/his stuff is that seems to help calm him when he gets confused

    1. That's a great idea, but I have tried that with a few things to remind her and doesn't seem to work. It's like she doesn't even see it anymore. Like I taped a note to the top corner of her computer monitor with the phone number of the front desk down stairs. She doesn't even realize it's there now. Or I had taped a note on her bathroom mirror with her list of medications and whether morning or evening. She either doesn't even realize/remember it's there or she takes it down, thinking she doesn't need it.

  3. I'm sorry for your other little dog. Not quite the same, but when our daughters guinea pig dies, our dog, who came after the GP, would go and lie in the spot the cage had been. They know and grieve.

    1. yes they sure do. We had an Australian Shepherd years ago who loved to go play over with our neighbors dog. When that dog died, neighbor buried him in front of his dog house. Our dog would just go over there and lay in front the the dog house. It was the saddest thing.

  4. I always feel sorry for the animal left behind because they do not understand. Maybe you could type a huge note in large font, landscape style and address it to Mom, and put that where it looks important and she will read. Add "do not remove."
