Saturday, April 3, 2021

Sad day

A very sad day here at our house. We had to put our oldest dog down this morning. It was quite unexpected. Though he's 13 1/2 years old, (I corrected this, I typed it as 12 1/2) he was doing fine yesterday. He sleeps on our bed and always is in dh's spot when dh comes to bed about 1am. DH always has to wake him up and tell him to move over. But last night he was breathing heavy and couldn't move and acted like he had no idea where he was/what was going on. We stayed with him all night and I called the vet first thing this morning. He's not really sure what happened (stroke maybe?), but he didn't feel at his age he was going to get better, nor if we took him home to just wait it out, he wouldn't be able to get up and go to the bathroom. He wasn't eating. So we made the hard decision and watched him pass quickly and peacefully.


  1. Oh, I am so sorry. You're probably in shock over this. So sudden.
    Maybe it's better that it happened so quickly. He doesn't have to suffer.
    I'm sure your other dog is missing him as you & your husband are. Such a terrible loss for you.
    I am truly sorry & I feel your pain.

  2. OH!!! I am so sorry. We had to put our big dog down in January, and our little dog two days ago, so believe me when I say I know the pain of this choice. From what I've read, it appears you treat your dogs with the utmost care and humanity, and any dog would be lucky to wind up in your home. Here's to hoping your memories are filled with the happy times of your beloved pup.

  3. I am so very sorry to read this! I have been reading your blog forever and this dog has always been part of that picture. He will be missed.

  4. My condolences. :( :( always hard to lose our fur family. He had a wonderful life with you.

  5. Prayers coming your way. It's always hard to lose a part of the family, no matter how many legs they have.

  6. That's so sad but it is definitely the right thing to do when it comes to easing your pet's suffering.

  7. Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. I know he was technically "old-ish" for a dog but if he hadn't been unwell it must have been a terrible shock.

  8. I am so sorry for your loss. It is always hard to lose a pet. Knowing that he is not suffering should console you guys at least a little.

  9. So sorry, I had to let my 15 year old cat go a couple of weeks ago. We had tried several things but she wouldn’t eat and was suffering. I felt bad because I was out of town and my adult son had to take her in. (My previous cat was 22 when we had to put her to sleep). She had kind of turned around and started eating better the few days before I left. Hard to know when sometimes so maybe at least you had that definite decision instead of 2nd guessing.

  10. My deepest sympathies - I know how hard it is for you and also what a great gift you gave him by letting him go.

  11. I am so sorry to read this. Such a difficult decision, but in a case like this, it was the humane thing to do. ~ "Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day" ~ May your beloved pup's memory live on in your heart.

  12. I'm so sorry. He was a loved family member.

  13. So sorry to hear this, so sad. He had a wonderful life with you.

  14. I'm so sorry for the loss of your beloved dog. Your dog got lucky with such devoted pet parents.
