Friday, April 23, 2021

Vet news

We took the dog into the vet, so he could get checked out, and we could pick up our other dog's ashes. We wanted a small lump he has growing on his chest checked out, as well as hopefully give him something for his stiff front legs. He did a quick biopsy of the lump and I can't remember the name he rattled off, but likely cancerous. It will be removed next Tuesday morning and he will send it in to check. He gave us a prescription medicine, as he said it appears he's getting arthritis.

While we were waiting on his biopsy test for 10-15 minutes, we both of course looked at our phones while sitting there. Only to hear the heartbreaking news some friends of ours son just passed away - from cancer and then complications from previously having Covid, too, it sounds like. Though the cancer diagnosis was not good to begin with. So, this vet exam room just seems to be a place where we are sad, that's for sure.

By the time we left and going through the town where we like the burger drive thru place we decided to get lunch. We had read a new owner took over, after many years of the same owners. Welp, she totally changed the burgers. Neither of us liked them much at all. I also don't really like cheddar cheese on my burger. And especially not to pay $28 for a cheeseburger, a double cheeseburger and 2 shakes! They've always had those high prices, but at least the burgers were really good. Bummer, as that was our only place "nearby" to get something we really liked and get out of the house once in awhile, at the same time.

I'm glad I have the whole day off. I'm ready for a nap.


  1. That was a sad room. Too bad about the dog's cancer. That's a bummer about the food changing.

    1. We are praying once the tumors removed he'll be ok, but this vet isn't very communicative, so we don't really know and he did say he will send it in to see if it's cancerous.

  2. I am sorry to hear about your doggie, and your friend's son :( maybe the burger place owner is still getting used to things but it does suck when new owners cannot keep the same style/flavor.

    1. From the article I read a few months ago about the new ownership, she was going to make a few "changes". Well, I think she blew it. We were there right at noon, and no line.

  3. No news is good news.
    Sorry for your bad/sad day.
    I hope they can do something for your doggie.

  4. I am so truly sorry about your dog and you had to pick up ashes from the other one.. I have a mantle full of ashes from our dogs over the years and no matter how many times you go through it, it never gets any easier...and your friends son. I can't even imagine the pain they are in.. Seems like just a sad day all the way around... Sending love and hugs to you XO

    1. Every time I looked at Facebook yesterday it seemed to be about their son. But, they are very religious and wrote some beautiful words about their happiness that he is now with God. They are strong people.

  5. Im sorry gor all your sad news.
