Monday, February 6, 2017

Window treatments

Most of the windows in our house have Bali dark wood blinds, which I like ok. The 2 extra bedrooms (one is guest bedroom, one is my office)  have some white inexpensive vinyl blinds hanging. Again, ok, but DH accidentally broke the one in the spare bedroom yesterday. He was trying to pull the blinds all the way up. The windows in both rooms are kind of wide and really the blinds should have been installed with a brace in the middle (the one in my office is even kind of sagging in the middle up on the top railing).

Going to have to at a minimum get new window treatment for that window, but should probably replace the office window while I'm at it. I think I want to do curtains in the guest bedroom, but that almost seems too much of a decision, HA! there are SO  many to choose from. And then do I want one's that are just the length of the window or do I want to put some in that go all the way down to the floor.  I'm looking online, but it's really hard to know if I really like it, when I can't see it in person. Plus, I don't want to put anything too expensive there, as it's not something I can take with me to the new house.

Plus, in my office is a second window that is up high. There is no window treatment on it, which I like, because I have decorative stuff up on the ledge. But, when the sun is out by afternoon I can't see my computer screen. Right now I just put up a pillow case using some push pins to hold it on the top of the window frame. Problem is I like my "stuff" on the window ledge and that won't work with blinds. I'm going to have to either do some curtains or maybe a shade that can hang and pull down on the outside window casing, rather than fit inside, I guess.

Decisions, decisions! I should just make it easy and just order the same blinds that are already on all the other windows.

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