Friday, February 24, 2017

Phone introvert

I'm such a phone introvert that I find it strange when someone actually calls me when they could have just emailed me! Now that my office phone forwarding is working I'm getting calls again, and more than usual, for some reason it seems. Like today my cell rang. I didn't recognize the number right off, other than it's from the city where my office is located, so I figured it was a work related call. But when I answer some old sounding guy says "hi- this is your uncle bob". I'm like "oh, I'm sorry you have the wrong #" and then in his regular voice he laughs and says "no I don't". Ok...who is this then? It was one of our vendors. He just had a quick and easy question on an order I sent him. He has my email - why not just email me the question? I guess some people like to actually talk to others and some don't. When I worked from home the 2-3 days a week before I didn't have my phone forwarded, so 1/2 to 2/3 of my calls went to voicemail and you know what? If I had the person's email, I'd just email them back, LOL. I have a co-worker that likes to call me to tell me things, too. Out of 50 co-workers she's the only one that does that. Even my boss rarely calls me, but we do try to make a point of actually talking every couple of weeks - even though we email each other a dozen times a day.

The first half hour of my morning I deliberately put my work phone set to "go to voicemail". I do not want to talk to ANYONE that early and when my brain is just getting warmed up.

My DD and I hardly ever actually talk on the phone - but we text or Facebook message throughout the day, every day. I wish my mom could text. She used to email me once a week or so, but she doesn't do that anymore. She calls now. DH talks to his dad once a week on the phone, but he likes to talk on the phone. I had to call our property neighbor up to find out if the book club meeting was still on and what time...I put it off for 3 days! How weird is that?! I kept thinking to myself - wish I had her email LOL.

More often than not, if my cell phone rings on "my time" (ie not work) I won't answer it -even though I obviously know who is calling. Most of the time, even if I'm not really doing anything, the thought that goes through my mind is "oh...I don't feel like talking to someone right now".

I hate the sound of a phone ringing, buzzing, chiming, whatever. Most of the time I have my phone ring turned off, so at the maximum I'm just getting the little buzz. I rarely remember to turn the ringer on, so if my phone is in my purse and I'm shopping or whatever, I don't even hear it. If our landline rings I usually wait and let DH answer it, since it's rarely for me. But then there are times when I pick up and answer, it's one of his friends, and I end up talking to them for quite awhile, chatting away just like I'm an extrovert or something. Once I get going on it, I'm fine. It's the answering or first making the call that holds me up.

Apparently, I'm not the only one with this "issue" as I found in this article.

Thank goodness for texting and emailing - in the olden days I'd hardly ever communicate with anyone LOL 


  1. For me it all depends. Anything business related, I prefer to use email. For a handful of friends, I'll talk on the phone. For the majority of people I know, email and texting it is!

    1. I had to make a call today to an acquaintance. DH says "hey, so and so needs you to call his wife about the fundraiser banquet we are attending with them next weekend". Of course I go into my little panic inside my head. LOL. Made the call, had a nice chat and also got the info I've been wondering about most - what to wear! haha!

  2. We have some support people on le like you and it drives me nuts. I would rather call most of the time but email is way more efficient. I guess there is a reason I'm in sales. What I do like about email is that it creates a proper trail for documentation.

    1. sorry - it's not that I don't like you, I just don't want to talk on the phone LOL!

  3. I really do not like to talk in the phone and neither does DH so we text all day long, the only phone calls I get are at work, any calls on my cell go to VM. My biggest fear of phone calls is being stuck with a rambler that won't know when to end the call.

    1. very true and happens often because people that like to talk on the phone tend to ramble. Like that call I got from the vendor. could have been taken care of in less than a minute and I had to spend 5 minutes on the phone with him, LOL
