Monday, February 13, 2017

Starting Monday off annoyed

It's Monday and I'm feeling a tad annoyed today. Just people not doing their job right (or not at all). We have an employee who gets reimbursed his expenses and also auto allowance. Auto allowance to the tune of $500 per month. But, in order to get paid that allowance he has to supply us with mileage reports for each month. How hard is that?! You track your business mileage on work days and turn in the report at the end of the month. He is currently 8 months behind! Who in the world ignores getting paid $500 a month for 8 months?!! It's not like he makes a huge salary and that $500 is no big deal. I just do not get it. He's married and if I were his wife I'd be screaming bloody murder at him, LOL. My boss finally told him last week he either gets his reports in by today or he's not getting paid. We are getting ready to close out 2016 books.

Add to that people just getting me partial info, so that I have to keep emailing back for more and a customer who has been supplied copies of his invoice from last October who is just now playing dumb and acting like he hasn't received any copies and also doesn't know what the service was for (even though his job# he supplied is on the invoice). Whatever - just pay the damn invoice. OMG. He just emailed again, asking where the invoice was mailed to. It was mailed to the address on the invoice. In addition to mailing the hard copy, an email copy also was (supposed) emailed to him at the time it was generated, by the person in our company who requested I generate the invoice (that still hasn't been verified yet). He wants 50 explanations of why he supposedly hasn't seen this invoice until now. I don't know. But now you've seen it, you owe it, pay it. Plus, it has his job# on it - meaning (at least that's how we do our accounting) that he should have this job still open in his system as not paid yet. Meaning you put the job in your system, because you wanted to track the cost of it and therefore expected to be billed for it. We are not going to write off a $4600 invoice just because you say you didn't get a copy. Also, this is a construction related industry - it's very common to not get paid for several months, so we don't usually start working on following up on past due invoices until they are 90 days out. I sent our employee an email in January (my first follow up on this invoice), when I was doing customer statements that she needed to send an email reminder to her contact that his invoice was still owing. My guess is she did not do it and he got the copy I mailed this month.

Anyhow, it's all in a days work. Just hate having the week start out on an annoying note!

Payday is Wednesday and we have not spent much extra all this last pay check. I will have $860 left to direct to savings, so I am pleased with that. The last time we filled up with gas was a month ago and we still have a half a tank left. We haven't been going much anywhere in this weather. And if we do go somewhere it's usually just the mile into town to get the mail and groceries a couple times a week. I'm sure we'll start using more gas when spring comes and warms up.


  1. Oh you and me both had frustrating Mondays then. I cannot understand the people unable to handle such small and simple tasks. I always wonder how they survive.

    1. I thought the same thing - how does he do the rest of his job? Let alone he's supposed to be doing it with an online program we use now (to make it even easier) and he's still the only one not doing it that way.

  2. funny both you and T'Pol dealing with similar issues, both which should not have come up.......hope you get yours sorted out.

    1. as far as I know he only turned in the last 3 months worth of mileage reports. Unbelievable. I hope my boss sticks to her guns and just tells him she's not paying the rest from last year.

  3. Hope today is a better day for you. I can only begin to imagine the frustration you experienced.
