Sunday, February 5, 2017

Not Superbowling it

No Superbowl watching here today. Like DH says, he could care less about an overpriced event for overpaid athletes where the half time show is some entertainer he could care less about spouting her intolerant views. Ha!

Besides, sounds like we (and I mostly mean DH) will be shoveling snow all day. We are supposed to get dumped on like a foot and a half. Yikes. We'll find a movie to watch, I'll make some banana bread and watch it snow. I'll continue to read some more of my book for the upcoming book club later this month.

We were invited to a friends Superbowl party, but he knew we'd decline, LOL. Plus, trying to drive the half hour to their house in this weather probably isn't the smartest idea.

DD went to see my mom yesterday. Grandma had told her she was giving her a small china hutch (and all the Precious Moments in it!) to her. She also gave DD her sewing machine. DD was happy and I'm sure the hutch will look nice in her new house. Sounds like DD's been the one doing all the curtain hanging, shelf hanging, etc, rather than her BF. Her dad taught her well :) She also got another tattoo yesterday - an owl abive her ankle. My grandma collected owls and DD loved her great grandma, who passed a few years ago, so every time we seem something with an owl we think of her. Her other tattoo is a small one up on the back of her shoulder. It says Family with a heart and heart beat symbol all combined.

Well, huh. All the weather reports for our area we were getting last night was a ton of snow but I just looked at the weather app on my phone and all's it shows is rain all day. Guess we'll see. When I let the dog out first thing it was still dark so I couldn't see anything, but it sounded like rain. Not sure how when the thermometer shows 30 degrees.


  1. I'll trade weather with you! It has been months since we've seen any sign of grass.
    We don't do the Super Bowl thing either but I will check out some of the commercials after it's over. Some of them can be quite entertaining.
    Sweet of your DD to remember her great grandma that way. I'm sure that the hutch and figurines will be forever special to her.

  2. We haven't seen the grass since the first of December. Over a foot on the ground (though we've had like 3 ft of snowfall overall) still.
