Thursday, February 2, 2017

I'm ready for Friday already

My working remote has only really had one glitch so far.  Calls will not forward from my work office phone to my cell phone. It appears to work fine for others that work remote and our sales people, who almost all have their calls forwarding to their cell phones. I have had our IT company work on it 3 times so far. They "fix" it and it lasts a day or two (or until I get another call, which can sometimes be several days in between) and then it doesn't work again. I am getting so frustrated and tired of dealing with it, only to have it not work the next call.  So, now I am on my 4th "ticket" on this issue. On the caller end it goes into my work voicemail. On my end my cell phone rings, but the call isn't there when I try to answer it.  GRRR! I am beyond frustrated with it.

Other than that, working remote is going great! I've had to remember there is an hour time difference, but thankfully shortly before I moved my company changed their business hours to an hour earlier, so that helps that I can be done at a reasonably early hour my time. I haven't had any internet issues (KNOCK ON WOOD!!), which has kind of surprised me. This is DSL (but still slow) internet through the phone company. Basically the only choice here, but apparently there is a small company recently started up here in town that is offering wireless internet and they advertise faster speeds than phone company. Yes, one of their plans is faster (up to 15mbps...oooh! LOL) but it's quite a bit more expensive (and all internet is around here is way more expensive than in the big city (where you get like 50mbps), so not worth it to me to try at this time.The speed I have seems to be working good enough (a little slow at times, but nothing too annoying) and certainly not worth a extra $50 per month.  When we build our house we will be able to also have this same phone company DSL, so should be fine. I also get reimbursed $30 a month from work towards internet. The internet we have is working fine for my work, our personal internet usage and streams Netflix fine.

We aren't football fans so won't be watching the Superbowl. DH said that is probably a good time to go into the city and get some shopping done. Most people will probably be at home watching, rather than out shopping. LOL. So, that's our plan, pending road conditions (more snow expected).

We are liking our new Dish Hopper receiver already. DH is enjoying the pause live tv and rewinding live tv feature. We totally forgot to watch a show last night that we started watching a few weeks ago, and now we will be able to watch it On Demand, rather than missing the episode. I'm still learning how it all works and how to use the remote and all the buttons to access the features. Worth the extra $15 to me.

One of our new acquaintances (a relative of DH's friend that we already knew before we moved here) is a pilot and has a hangar/small plane stored at the little airstrip down the road a few miles. He flew yesterday and posted a video of his landing. It was so neat to watch. All the mountains and snow and you could see the river flowing along next to the freeway. Just amazing views. I'm so blessed to live in the middle of that!

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