Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Decorating and making stuff

I'm still decorating here and there (it will probably always be ongoing!), mostly with an eye towards things that will go in my new house. I want a rustic feel to things, for the most part. I'm not a lacy, frilly girl. I also don't want to be spending a fortune. Sure, there are things I see online (Pinterest, of course) that I just love, but the cost is just too much. I just can't spend $150 for a picture or something.

But, I did find something cute, which I just love, and found some on ebay.

I've always loved tea, since I was a little girl at my grandparents, who always drank tea. I love these vintage tins and the idea of re purposing them. I found two on Ebay that I purchased yesterday for $10 ea, plus the seller combined shipping and only charged me the shipping cost for one. I purchased a purple one and a tan one. I'd like to get one more different color, preferably blue. The blue one's seem to be twice the cost, so I'm in no big hurry. I'll keep watching. I'd like to put the 3 of them in my kitchen window ledge. Cute, colorful and purposeful with some herbs planted in them.

DH has "plans" (meaning he says he's going to! LOL)  to make me some of the things I want, which will make the costs very minimal. He's going to make me a wood blanket ladder.  I showed him this neat idea for dog food storage, which we have been struggling with the space for it vs. looking nice. He's going to look at it closer one of these days and see if it's something he thinks he can make. It will probably be a little more plain, but I'm sure he could come up with something that's much cheaper than this is for $300!

He also wants a boot storage bench for the laundry room, so I found him a couple of ideas. This should be pretty easy for him to make. He wants something to store his boots and shoes and that he can sit on while he's putting them on.

On top of those projects, he needs to put some framing around our bathroom mirrors and also wants to make an arbor for this yard. I sure do miss my arbors and big wishing well he made me! Once spring come's he'll be busy! He kind of needs the outside space to work in, as there is not really any construction room in either the garage or shop, since it's all filled to the gills with all his stuff. He needs to be able to put his sawhorses up upside and do his cutting and sawing there.

I think he'll have enough to keep very busy. I just wish I could get him started on it all now!

Another space issue I'm dealing with is not much cupboard room for breads and chips/snacks. In my old house I had this big cupboard space that was tall and wide. I put a shelf inside, put all my bread stuff on the bottom and all our chips and stuff on the top shelf.  I'm eyeing some good old fashioned breadbox's (I do have lots of counter space). The one's I like seem pretty pricey - $100 on up. I did find one on Etsy (looks nicely handmade) that I like for $59. The Etsy seller has some other larger style of this but with wire in front instead of the punched bread tin. I messaged the seller to ask if one could be made this size with the wire instead. I'm keeping it in mind as I keep looking

There are so many different styles available but I don't like the rolltop ones or metal ones. Plus many of them look to hold only one loaf of bread. I think this one would go cute with my current (and future) kitchen. A cute farmhouse look. I'm trying to keep my purchases to $30 or under, so still holding off on this. My DD gave me a $50 visa gift card for my birthday. Maybe I'll use it towards this. I'm just not finding anything else I like at a decent price.

I think I'm going to make some candles again. DD took my candle making supplies that I had bought after learning how from a friend and she's been making and selling quite a few candles.  I need a craft to do and this was fun and easy, so I think I'll have to order another kit from Amazon, so I can do it again.


  1. Super cute ideas! I can envision the name of your new homestead somehow being etched or burned into the seat of the shoe bench.
