Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tuesday this and that

I'm doing really good at writing down in an excel spreadsheet what I am spending every day.  I've had a couple of purchases not budgeted but am ok with them. One was $15 for some cookie dough from the neighbor boys.  Their mom is single with 3 boys, working 2 part time jobs and going to college full time.  This was to help fund their school band activites.  The other purchase was a stock up on laundry detergent.  Usually I pay $10.99 for the box (or higher) and Safeway had it at $8.99 per box, if you bought 2, so we should be good on detergent for a few months.  I also called today and changed our pest control visit (ants) from monthly to quarterly.  With winter around the corner I hope we don't need it done monthly for awhile.  That will save $43 a month and the next treatment won't be until January now. 

Ds started his new job yesterday and it looks like he is mostly training (of course) this week. He's gotten 7 hours in each of the past 2 days and will probably get at least 5 or so tomorrow.  His boss has just been letting him know each day what they are doing for the next day.  He's enjoying it so far and excited to be working.  He'll even get a company cell phone that he can also use for personal calls/texts if he wants. He does have to wear nicer clothes, like dress slacks or khaki's so I am going to pick him up a couple of pair this weekend.  He only has one black pair that still fits him.  I'll get him those and when he starts getting paychecks he can buy more or buy some more shirts if he wants, with his own money.

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