Thursday, November 3, 2011

Ds and his new job

Though he's only on day 4 so far, he is enjoying it and comes home excited and happy.  Today is his first day working on his own, already! He gets to set up some computers at one of their offices about 20 minutes from our home, so not a bad drive for him and he gets to pick his hours, so he was out the door at 7:15.  I asked him last night, if there is always someone at the offices that early?  and he whips out his brand new master key to all the offices!  He is a total whiz with computers so I'm sure he'll not have any problems at all.

He bought 2 long sleeved polo shirts at Kohl's that were $17 each, so not bad.  They didn't have any dress pants in his skinny butt size so he and GF are going to Penney's as soon as they can to look there.  With Christmas coming up I'll probably get him a couple of short sleeved polo's to add to his wardrobe.

He also put $100 bucks back in his wallet and I'm proud of him for that. His hard drive went bad on his laptop and he needs that everyday for school so he decided to get one of the more expensive SSD hard drives (don't ask, I have no idea what it means) at almost $200.  He got it installed but them started finding out that these new SSD drives are still kind of buggy and not exactly what he needs, so he took it back to Best Buy and exchanged it for a basic hard drive comparable to what was originally in his laptop and it was almost $100 cheaper.  Good boy!

Dd turns 16 very soon and is already chomping at the bit to get a part time job.  Seems so many of the businesses now require the employees to be 18 (I recall Ds having that problem while looking for a job in high school) but knowing her, I'm sure she'll find something.


  1. That's great that hubby is enjoying his new job! :) Wish my 17yr old son was excited to get a job... he think he'll apply at one place & get hs dream job... Oh to be young & foolish! ;) lol!

  2. It's my son who has the new part time job :-) Wish hubby could work - health problems have turned him into a stay at home dad, hence our one income life.
