Monday, August 8, 2022

What's wrong with me (and others)

This is what is wrong with my eye(s). I assumed from the right eye, 2 years ago, I had scratched it (trauma), but no idea now with my right eye. I'm thinking just very dry eyes. This describes it perfectly:

Recurrent Corneal Erosion (RCE) syndrome is a common, recurrent condition caused by abnormal epithelial adhesion to the underlying basal lamina. The spontaneous breakdown of the corneal epithelium can lead to the sudden onset of ocular pain, blurred vision, tearing, and photophobia, typically upon awakening

Someone explain this one to me....

So, we have a car trailer. It's gray, it's metal, it's ugly, LOL. So, dh keeps it parked inside his shop so it doesn't look like an eyesore parked outside. Now, mind you, per our covenants we can park this outside if we chose to. It's licensed and in working condition. But he keeps it in the shop - taking up MUCH valuable space, which is one reason why his shop is so overcrowded. If that wasn't in there, he'd have lots more room to move around and reorganize the other stuff.

About a year ago, before we went to Texas last summer, dh had it pulled out in front of the garage for about 2 days. He had ordered new tires for it, for our long trip to Texas, and had to take the old ones off and then the next day put on the new ones. Mrs Neighbor made an "innocent" comment about the trailer being parked outside. Dh just told her, yes, it's just out for a couple days while I get the old tires off and the new ones put on. Back in the shop it's been for the whole year. Then we took it out to go pick up the side by side. He had it parked outside for literally only a couple hours before we left with it. He likes to do a "pre-check" when he drives/trailers things, especially driving a couple hours from home. She again made her "innocent" comment about it. It's basically her way of really saying "how long will I have to look at that?"

YET....every summer, and all week this past week, they let their cousin park his ugly gray boat trailer and ugly gray boat in their driveway. It's been there all week. It's just as ugly as our car trailer, not to mention it isn't even theirs! Why is it ok for them to have that parked out in their own driveway, yet if we pull our car trailer out for even a couple of hours we get a comment about it???

After that trailer and boat showed up again earlier last week I told dh - just pull your car trailer out and leave it outside as long as that boat is there. You'll have lots of room when  you are out in the shop working on the side by side. He didn't of course, but geez. People just annoy the hell out of me. Double standards.


  1. Your neighbour is such a busybody. I wish she would say this to you, so you can tell her about the boat etc. "Oh man, I see the boat is back! How long?" SMH. She needs to get a life.

    1. She needs to just stop having double standards for them and us! We know our trailer is ugly - that's why we keep it inside and out of sight. But apparently it's ok when it's something they want to do/have out in sight.

    2. She won't ever change alas. Someone with that much free time and that attitude is something else, LOL

    3. and now she has lots of free time, that she is retired (and bored, her words)

  2. It seems to me she would be more tolerant, like she expects you to be about the barking dogs. I would certainly have to have a comeback to her. Or, just text and asks if it bothers her since she comments. Personally, it would not bother me at all. Piles of junk would annoy me, but not a vehicle that works and comes and goes.

    1. I keep telling dh to just start doing whatever he wants, as long as it's within our covenants and stop over worrying what they think. They certainly don't worry about us, one bit.

  3. If you had a gorgeous car that was rarely driven and always parked inside and one day you had it parked outside for whatever reason and she made a comment about the car being parked outside, would you then think she was hinting that the car was ugly and should be hidden? Sometimes a comment is just a comment.

    1. I guess I wouldn't comment to begin with, LOL. It's none of my business, just as we don't comment to them on them having their cousin's boat sitting there for a week at a time. I could see her commenting the first time...maybe she didn't even realize we had it to begin with, since it's inside the shop. Hopefully it is just being nosy and not her wondering when it's going to get put away.

  4. I agree with you - he should pull his trailer out and leave it there too. Passive-aggressive BS indeed!

    1. He won't leave it out there, haha, but hopefully the next time he needs to use it and move it out for a bit, he doesn't worry about doing so anymore.

  5. Excuse me? Who put her in charge? I'm sorry, but I would have said 'bless your heart'

    1. I'm not sure, LOL. Thankfully dh doesn't need to use the trailer too often ;)

  6. I feel as if you will live longer if you stop being so annoyed with EVERYONE and everything they do. If you re-read the posts, almost every single one complains about something or someone.

    1. That's harsh! Are you an oracle who can foresee someone's life expectancy? This is her blog and she can write whatever she wants.

    2. Thank you Holly :) I was literally just re-reading my posts for the past 6 weeks. Since I post almost daily, it's a lot of posts. Hmmm...I see I complained about Mrs Neighbor today. A week ago on 7/30 I complained about Fishermen (more than one has done this) literally driving through our property and someone damaging our gate. On 7/28 I complained about Pottery Barn losing my order, and being on the phone with them for 90 minutes. On 7/21 was my first complaint/call to Pottery Barn and on 7/6 I complained about mom's caregiving not showing up for 2 days, with no communication to me. I must be blind (oh wait - sorry I also complained about my eye bothering me) because that's all I see for complaints about someone or something. Five posts out of 6 weeks of almost daily posts. Sorry my life and it's typical problems annoy you. Not everyone's days go perfect and often it's just me telling what happened for the day - good and bad.

    3. I have never had the impression that you are a constant complainer and don't know where this person even came up with such a farfetched idea. I always enjoy your posts although I don't comment very often :)

    4. Thanks Holly - I appreciate you taking the time to comment!

  7. I guess I, too, must be blind because I don't see the complaints. All I see is One Family sharing every day life.

  8. I wondered about your saying no complaints in the following day's post. What a nasty comment. If things happen and you share them, I don't consider your blog as complaining. That was just nasty!

    1. Thank you! Obviously life has things to complain about every so often, but I don't consider almost every single one of my posts as complaining about someone or something.

    2. Correction - it's me complaining about EVERYONE and everything. Didn't mean to misquote.
