Tuesday, August 16, 2022

What say you?

Quick genuine question: this is in our neighborhood covenants about the type of home, etc. What exactly does "frame" house mean to you? What kind of house can an owner have? Our covenants were created by the land developer. Obviously there was some reason to put something in there to describe what is allowed, but if it really means any type, what would have been the point of even putting anything in the covenants as to what type? I have a feeling its a bit vague and I'm going to get lots of different answers, which I guess will tell me the answer, HA!

All dwellings or houses must be new, limited to one per lot, be single family and have a permanent continuous perimeter foundation of concrete or concrete blocks. The dwelling or house must be frame or log construction. It is the intent to keep the entire subdivision rural residential in character.                  


  1. I had to google frame or log construction! But to me all I see is must look like a log cabin or have a cabin style outward appearance.

  2. My dad owns his own construction company and has built homes for year, a frame house to him means wood construction ( 2×4s, wooden roof trusses, etc.) as the base layer, not brick, etc.

  3. I thought frame construction was the type of framing used for the bones of the house. Wooden framing rather than concrete or cinderblock framing.

  4. I think it prevents modular & mobile type homes.

    1. I'm thinking the same thing. It has to be a built house - you can't convert a trailer or sea container etc. into a home.

  5. My guess is it means no manufactured homes, but I don’t know. I just no that’s a very common restriction around here.

  6. Ditto - no pre-fab, modular, trailer type. Doesn’t specify type of framing (wood or steel), but does say rural residential character so definitely a house and not a business with living quarters. Heavy equipment is not rural residential IMO. If new neighbors did as you did and build a shop with facilities (as a place to be pre- house construction) my fear would be that something would happen health or money-wise and that may be all that gets built since I believe they are older.

    1. We had the same thought. The guy told us he's "67, almost 68". I think his wife is about 79 now. Like my dh said - because of their ages, they won't be living there probably much more than 10 or so years. What's the next owner, someone who buys an 8000 sf shop w/living quarters, going to want to do out of the shop? Most likely also run a business.

  7. I agree with no pre fab, modular or trailers. Built on site homes.

  8. I think Rachel and Anne are correct. According to the Oxford dictionary (on Google) it is "a house constructed from a wooden skeleton, typically covered with sheathing."
