Thursday, August 25, 2022

Cloudy with a chance of your guess is as good as mine

It was really nice to have a quiet day yesterday after the busyness of Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. The weather actually only stayed at 78 degrees and we had a cloudy, windy day. Kinda nice for a change. Though the past few days I have had a bit of a sinus headache. I hate those. Advil and Tylenol don't work on me with those and the stuff in sinus medications can make my heart arrhythmia act up.  I did take just one sudafed type pill and that helped a little.

Dh feels like when the couple gets our neighborhood signed letter about their building plans, he's going to direct his anger at dh, since we're the immediate next door neighbors and the one he has talked to the most. But, I told him just smile and shrug your shoulders and say "ya, well, you pissed my wife off and then she told the other neighbors and they got even more mad than her about it, so..." At least when Mr. listed all our names and lot#'s after our names, he went in numerical order, so our names aren't first, LOL. I like how Mr. ended the letter: Thank you for understanding our solid position and concern before any further planning on your end is decided upon, and to save further action.".  Then below our signatures is cc: our county Planning and Compliance and Environmental Health, County Attorney's Office, and County Clerk and Recorder. And since Mrs had to send it certified mail, I don't know if she was required to put a return (theirs?) address on it to send it. If it was me I would have just put our subdivision name and street name for the address it came from.

We still have our friends from Texas coming next Thurs through Monday (Labor Day). I'm hoping this coming weekend and early week is no drama, so I can get rested up for their visit and not be stressed out.

We had a pretty good thunder and lightning storm last night just before midnight and it's cloudy and cooler today. DH will probably have to mow again today, as Saturday was the last time he did it.

I just tried to log into my side job and can't open the accounting program, it says the company file is not found. Oh joy. So, I have put in an email to their IT help desk and hopefully it won't be too long before they call, though it isn't even 7am over there yet, so I'm sure it will be at least an hour.

Will today be the day the earth moving equipment is delivered next door?


  1. Having to send a letter like that is unpleasant BUT so much better than addressing the issue once the guy had started work on his project!

    1. that's what we all thought, too. Best to get it addressed right now. Plus, it seemed like every time the guy talked to us he had added more plans (like the new road access) that were not with our covenants.

  2. Something must be in the air, because my internet is down. I'm using my phone as a mobile hotspot for my personal computer, but not for work.

  3. When the first piece of equipment shows up, I would do something, call someone, to have a hold on his actions pending some sort of decision. I am sure the attorney can give you help on what can be done. The guy may bullheadedly ramp up how fast he does things thinking he can force his way in. His initial actions could ruin your road. He does not seem like the type to stop and consider his actions.

    1. He has every right to bring out equipment and start clearing his land for well drilling and building, but if he tries to start digging out a new road access we will call the officials. I really doubt he is stupid enough to try to do something like the road without the proper permit/approved application from the state.It will just be interesting to see what he does start to do, after he gets our letter.

  4. I love smart letter writers like Mr. Neighbor!

  5. What is the product you said your husband used outside the house for the control of insects? I found some outside roaches outside the front door. They come in every chance they get. I believe you were the person who said he treats your foundation.

  6. For years we have used a product called Maxxthor SC. The ingredient is Bifenthrin. What he have always purchased is the quart sized concentrate version you mix with water in a sprayer. Over the 10 or so years I have been buying it the price has doubled but still MUCH cheaper then we were paying to have pest control company come out monthly.
