Sunday, August 21, 2022

The deluge

Last evening we experienced a rain storm the likes of which we have never seen here. Just crazy amount of rain. The temperature went from 95 to 65 in about 30 minutes. Our fake creek almost became a real creek!

I sent a neighborhood text later and asked if anyone has a rain gauge and a picture of our "creek". Mr. neighbor replied back this morning with a picture from their rain gauge that it was 3 1/2 inches and said their basement got water in it for the first time ever. 

I was out in the shop yesterday afternoon helping dh for a bit, again, and went and got on the scale again (because I was probably dreaming that I lost 5 pounds LOL) and I was down another pound. Down 6 pounds so far. I don't know what finally triggered this, but I am glad. The only thing I'm doing different than the first 3-4 weeks I had increased my walking and reduced my snacking (and lost none), was I have started using the monkfruit (which I don't even use a lot of) and started taking  a different multivitamin. One that is more from a health store, rather than just generic multivitamin you buy at a drug store. 

I'm working on a letter to our current neighbors and the couple that owns lot 6 (who live out of state and haven't built yet) regarding the proposed building and use of lots 4 and 5. I haven't sent it yet. Dh said he would give the guy with lot 6 a call to get their email address for me. I want to sent it in a group email and (hopefully) if I get any responses, it can generate a conversation about it and then I'll also have it in writing what everyone thinks. Though honestly, my guess is Mr. Neighbor will write something back short and vague (he's a fence rider), the young couple will completely not even reply, and I have no clue about the couple from lot 6. I would say, if they are serious about building here in a few years, then they will be interested to know what is planned next to them.

I see from the mom camera this morning that the caregiver popped in (before mom was back from breakfast) and grabbed her dirty (and probably clean!) laundry to get it taken care of. Which is also good because it appears almost all of mom's tops were in the hamper or in the laundry basket and she's been wearing the same couple of tops the past 4 days or so. I really do need to get her a new tv remote control. While sitting at Walmart waiting I tried to call the local store of her cable company, to inquire if they had remotes for elderly, but of course just got recorded message that goes into their national phone system. Earlier last week I saw her trying to watch tv a couple times and just a pink screen. Then a few days ago she was watching tv. I turned it on yesterday and the pink screen, then the message that it was not connected to source. UGH! I can never figure it out! It was still all plugged in correctly. I tried resetting the cable box. Finally I clicked on the "all" on/off button and back on and it came on. But there was no sound or if you turned it all the way up to 100 there was a faint sound. I finally figured out how to get into the dang menu and I turned off closed captions and something else and the sound came back on. I'm sure she'll mess with it again next time she watches. I just need to get the new one this week, so it just has on/off, volume and she can just scroll through channels. 

She's just confused about things in general now. While I was sitting there trying to push buttons on her remote and get the tv working, she had her big activities calendar in her lap. Before I started with the tv she was looking at it. In big letters on the bottom corner it says August 2022. She looks at it and then her clock/calendar on the desk and you can tell she is confused. Says something about "this is probably old" I said no, it's August and today is the 20th and I pointed to the activities on the 20th (the paper looks like a big calendar). Then when I was using the remote trying to get tv working she says well, does this paper help you any? I said no....that's your activity calendar, it doesn't have anything to do with your tv and remote. It's sad.

DH is now just waiting on the hard top for the mule (which is supposed to ship this week) and new springs. He will need heavier duty springs due to the weight of the snow plow on front. Those are being shipped Tuesday, so should be here Friday. Him doing all this work himself has saved thousands over what we would have had to pay to have it all on there already. He's got his old quad/plow all cleaned up and pictures taken to list for sale in a couple weeks. He's going to try to start out asking $2500.


  1. Oh, I can relate the rain deluge. It came down in sheets driving back from picking up my grandson.

    1. I'm glad we didn't have to be out driving in it

  2. It is a shame the meds to help with her memory had such bad side effects.

    1. it was explained to me by her dr (and the research I did) that the medication was only effective (and only about 50% at that) at slowing the progression, it would not help her recover any memory or brain function that she has already lost.

  3. My remote was beyond me. All the hdmi stuff or whatever it is. And, this was 20 years ago, nothing to do with dementia, just confusing. If you get something for her, be sure to let us know what it
    That looks and sounds like a gully washer and frog strangler of Biblical dimensions, a deluge for sure.
    Your husband seems very talented, for sure.

    1. that remote she has confuses me! Husband has good talents - except for cooking, LOL

  4. For a remote, check the website of your mother's cable provider for their "Accessibility Support Center" (for customers with disabilities).

    1. thanks for the idea - I did check and it does say something about a cover you can get for some of the remotes that blocks a lot of the buttons. I think I'll just stop in the cable providers store next time I go to see mom. It's right near her apartment and see what they have.

  5. We had to a lot of rain here as well. Your creek sure did look like it was filling. I'm sorry your mom is struggling more.

    1. We don't usually get much rain here at one time. It was crazy. I feel so bad for mom, I can't even imagine what it must feel like to be so confused and no memory.

  6. It's worrying to read of the building proposals in your road. Good idea to keep a record of you and your neighbours' opinions on how it progresses.
