Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Don't screw off!

Our UPS guy is super nice and friendly, but in all honesty he's a total screw off, milking the company for LOTS of overtime on a daily basis. He clocks in like 12 hour days every day. We are on the end of his route, so most of the time, if he has a delivery to us, it's anywhere between 5pm and 9pm and usually around 7pm. Then after us, he has (potentially) 2 more small neighborhoods to deliver to, so even later for those people. Monday night when I was out watering flowers at 8pm he went by to go down to the end of our street. When delivering here he will stop and chat with dh for almost always at least 20 minutes or more. I'm sure he does this with quite a few of his stops is my guess. The other night it was almost 9pm when he finally got here.

I've always wondered how he gets away with it. I used to get the "watch on live map" delivery notifications which would show where he's at. Can't the powers that be also see from these that he's often at deliveries for a long period of time? Well, the past couple weeks he's been telling dh that they want to put cameras in his truck to monitor his time, I guess. Then yesterday he whined to dh that they are cutting his hours, telling him he has to get his route done in a certain amount of time. Well, duh! Geez, he's screwing off every day and costing the company extra money. And in the end what we all pay for delivery costs. Yesterday he showed up at 2:20pm....imagine that.

I got on an online chat with SiriusXM and apparently the reason I couldn't access my account online was because I didn't have a phone number attached. She added it and then I was able to get on. So, I looked at the options for plans they offer, when my trial is up next week. To get the same plan would cost $23 a month. Nope, that's not happening whatsoever. I clicked on cancel subscription and it took me to a live chat. They offered me a year at 1/3 of that cost per month, so I went ahead and took that. I did really enjoy the service and listening to the comedy while driving. I also keep forgetting I can also listen to it from my phone or on my computer, so I could have it on while I'm working, if I wanted to. Though I find listening to something and reading emails and such don't work. I totally end up tuning out the music or talk.

I just saw on the camera at 7:30 that the assist. caregiver knocked on my mom's door (she was sitting in her recliner, still in nightgown) and reminded her breakfast starts in 30 minutes. Then I waited about 8 minutes and looked on the camera to see if she's getting ready - nope - she's back in her recliner! I wonder if caregiver will come back to check when she's not down there. I don't know what my mom said to her after she said breakfast is in 30 minutes. The motion clip stopped then.

DH spent all day yesterday working on the "Mule" (Kawasaki's name for the side by side). He got the wiring done to add turn signals and tail/break lights. He also added some kind of insulation piece that goes under the hood and dash that is supposed to help keep dust/dirt out of it, which in the long run will help keep things working, since these things are driven out on trails, etc. 

Months ago he ordered this pressure washer system so he can wash our car here at home. It has these "soap cannons" that attach or something and are supposed to do a really good job of washing the car, like going through a car wash. Plus, it will make it easier on his muscles then wearing himself out washing by hand. Well, it's been on back order for months. They guy who sells them has had supply chain issues. The seller has been really good about keeping his customers informed about when he'd expect his next shipments, etc. DH finally got an email Monday that his order has shipped to us. We also figure it will pay for itself in a couple of years, not spending money going through the car wash.

Well, as I continue to type this post, in between working (ha!) it's now an hour later and 8:40am and mom is still asleep in her recliner. I forgot to set the motion notifications when I went to bed last night, so I have no idea if she slept well or not. I guess she won't have breakfast this morning. Last night was kind of funny - mom got back from dinner a little after 6pm and then the caregiver came about 15 minutes later. Mom was really nice and the caregiver asked how her dinner was. Then something about taking her pills and mom says "oh I was going to take them but I haven't been back too long and then I took a couple of phone calls". No, she didn't LOL. Mom was just saying that so it didn't look like she doesn't remember to take them haha.

It was much more pleasant to be outside watering my flowers last night when it was only like 85 degrees and not 100. I guess the other day it got recorded at 104. So far so good with my 3 remaining chickens. I get 2-3 eggs per day, most days 3. 

I finally had to ask dh if he knew what exact dates his friend and his wife (our Texas friends) are coming so that I can put in for days off from work, if necessary. Of course he had no idea, other than he said friend has told him the other couple will (again) not be able to make it. Well, gee that would be nice to know in advance for planning, LOL. Men are so clueless. So, I texted friends wife to ask and of course she knew the dates they are coming and I'll need to at least take the Friday before Labor Day weekend off. They will be here sometime Thursday afternoon, so I'm just going to take Thursday off too. She said they will be leaving the next Monday. 

While dh was still out in the shop working when I got done working yesterday he said he'll just have a sandwich later for dinner. So, I made myself a light dinner and watched The Shack on Netflix. I have read and listened to the audiobook several times and found the movie to be really good, too. 

It's taking me forever to finish this post. I see mom finally woke up from her recliner at 9:10 and apparently had something from the snack bar downstairs in her apartment because I watched her stand at her sink and unwrap it from the plastic and then sit back own to eat it. Can't tell what it is. Maybe a muffin or something like that. At least she's getting something to eat.


  1. I'm guessing someone looked at details and something didn't quite jive with the drivers time card. I hate companies taking advantage of labor, but it goes both ways, doesn't it. I'm glad your mom has access to snacks if she misses the meals.

    1. I'm really surprised it took them this long to figure out his route and amount of packages shouldn't be taking so long every day. Mom's dining room has a nice little snack and beverage corner, so I'm glad she thinks to get things to take back to her apt.

  2. I think Amazon has similar protocols. They time everything. It amazes me what technology is able to do.

    1. I'm really surprised he was able to milk it this long. Been at least a couple years now

  3. That guy was milking the system. I doubt he will have a job for long because he won't be able to stand actually working.
    I would suggest to the wife to keep me apprised of what the guys are planning since you don't get messages.
    Can you determine if your mother is starting to stay up at night?

    1. He's definitely been milking the system. I can tell if she's staying up or getting up much throughout the night as long as I remember to turn on the motion detection. Sometimes I forget.

  4. I odn't feel that bad for UPS that he was wasting their $$, they don't even install AC in the trucks to keep these guys cool, there is no appreciation of employees. But I feel badly for customers. I waited all last Wednesday for my phone to be delivered :( And I know of a guy who drives for FedEx who has a route and does it in 4 hours!! So definitely it doesn't nee to take 8 or more :/

    1. I've thought about the no a/c too. But the night - at almost 9pm! that I walked out to the gate to get the package from him and it had been over 100 all day I commented no a/c. But, if he's that hot, then don't spend 12 or more hours in the truck when he doesn't need to........

    2. Yeah, I hear you! I would not want to drive all day with no AC, I guess he has gotten used to the very leisurely pace. My dad works in the UPS factory here in my city and he could not get any OT doing what he does that's for sure.
