Saturday, August 6, 2022

Friday was a bust

I worked the first couple of hours yesterday and ended up taking the rest of the day off. Like I told my boss. "I'm kind of a mess today!". During the previous night, now my left eye (2 years ago it was my right eye, and occasionally still is) started having sharp pain when I happened to open it to look at the clock. It was irritated and a little blurry all day yesterday, not to mention my back was still hurting some and after 3 days of that was just wearing me down. 

Because of my right eye problems I have kept the eye drops and ointment the specialist had me use on hand (they are both OTC) so I applied them to my left eye all day and the ointment at night. Much better this morning and so is the back pain.

I got to the city at 10am to see mom for a visit and pickup groceries. 81 degrees in her apartment. I didn't bother turning on the a/c. She would just end up saying every 5 minutes "are you cold?" LOL. Her desk and little dining table were very neat and tidy for a change. I stayed an hour. I decided that is enough time for several reasons, but mostly that is about all I can do repeating the same conversations and answering the same questions, not to mention sitting in a hot room like that. Also, because she really has no concept of length of time anymore, so me spending more time doesn't register with her brain anymore, anyway. In fact, I'm sure by this evening (or earlier) she won't even remember I was there this morning. 

She has a picture on her desk of her, me and dd while in Hawaii many years ago. At least 3 times she mentioned the picture (as always). At least she does seem to have a little bit of memory it was from a vacation we took. Then she will say "we'll have to go again and spend some of my money". I just smile and say ya, maybe one of these days we can do that again. But sadly, it's not going to happen. I can't imagine trying to travel and stay somewhere unfamiliar with someone who has Alzheimer's. It would not be a vacation, anymore, at this point.

When I was refilling some pills in her dispenser she did seem to remember "the ladies" come to remind her. But then said "well, I don't think I really need them to"........after we just spent 2 minutes before that with me telling her several times she doesn't take any medications in the morning, only after dinner.

I left at 11 and had my grocery pick up scheduled between 11 and 12. Stopped at Home Depot for a couple of mums and got a text my order was delayed. I went and sat and waited at Walmart. Finally at 11:45 it was ready. I had planned on being home by then, but with the delay I was hungry driving home and getting a bit of a headache. I should have just grabbed one of the water bottles and drank it on the way home but I didn't think of it. 

It was really nice outside watering the flowers this evening. Temps are finally going down some. Much more pleasant at 77 instead of 94 at 7:30pm.


  1. I remember your eye problem, but don't remember the cause. I am glad your eye and back are better. I would rather my back hurt than my eye be scratchy.
    Temperature that warm cannot be good for your mother. I hope she stays hydrated. It is funny how she needs no help but does not remember things she should remember. Funny how Alzheimer's works, I mean.
    I can only imagine an airplane trip and visit to Hawaii as a nightmare. She would probably stay so confused. But, at least she remembers it as a happy place she would like to visit again with her daughter and granddaughter.

    1. I had thought the cause with my eye 2 years ago was that I somehow scratched it and it wouldn't heal. But I know I have not scratched my left eye....Ever since dealing with the right eye for so long 2 years ago I have been extra careful around my eyes with washcloths, towels, anything. The eye specialist did tell me that to keep using the drops in my eye because that next fall, when we'd have to start using the heat in the home the air will dry out and my eye will likely get dried out and happen again. I really never put drops in my left eye and I'm now wondering if the constant a/c air has dried it out and caused it. Drops for both eyes from now on, I guess.

  2. You're wise to take time off; you sound a bit weary and have a lot of things on your plate at the moment. Take care. xx

    1. I was pretty worn down by Friday. Mostly from my back hurting for 3 days and then adding the eye on top of it, I just gave up!

  3. I'm sorry your eye is acting up and you got some relief. I suppose talking with your mom about vacations is better than trying to take her. Maybe bring pictures with to change up the conversation? My mom did not have dimentia but it was a good conversation starter to look at a picture or two.

    1. I do usually show her recent pictures I have taken with my phone, which can often be something to talk about. I think next visit I'll time it so I can take her to lunch.

  4. My geraniums almost died because we've had weeks of hot temperatures. I've been thinking of getting mums to replace but am afraid it's still too hot.

    1. I was kind of surprised they had mums out for sale already, but I needed a couple of small pots of "something" to replace what I had in this little bicycle yard decoration I have. I had a couple of leftover 6 packs of petunias when I got everything early summer and instead of putting them in pots and then putting the pots on the bicycle I just set the 6 packs there LOL. Even though I watered all the time, they of course died eventually.

  5. I'm glad you're ok. Kind of.
    Could your eye issue be allergy related of sorts? I know it's painful, & irritating.
    Hopefully it won't get as bad as last time.
    I'm glad you got to see your mom. 81° ugh...

    1. I'm wondering too if it could be some kind of allergy thing. But, it's definitely not as bad as the other eye was before I finally saw the specialist and he had me start using the drops and ointment. As soon as this eye started in, I started using it right away and it's much better already.

  6. This may sound bizarre but if you keep having periods of a back ache and if it is up higher around your shoulder blade (can’t remember if it was) especially if you don’t think you’ve had a strain etc. might be wise to see if it could be gallbladder related. Maybe even gallstones. Google it and see if it matches at all. So common in women.

    1. I missed seeing your comment. That is a good reminder to always think about, too. Because of my previous back injury I always just tend to assume it's my back, but upper back is what dh was experiencing some with his pancreas and gallbladder.
