Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Tuesday tidbits (the non-complainer edition!)

My eye is pretty much back to normal, thank goodness. The ointment the specialist has me use is called Muro128. It's OTC and expensive (and I will need to get more now), but it works really good. Plus, I use TheraTears regularly.  He said TheraTears are ok to use as much as you want because it is preservative free. I will just now have to make sure I'm keeping both eyes with the drops daily. 

UPS driver was here at 1pm yesterday, he just keeps getting earlier and earlier, LOL. DH liked the early drop off. It gave him all afternoon to work on the stuff that arrived. It was the little pressure washer he ordered months ago for car washing. Pretty neat little set up he put together. He had this old "maids cart" (we used to use for racing) that he made into a portable wash station. When he's done washing the car/truck/side by side (or even that ugly trailer, LOL) he can roll it back in the shop.

Sunday night I made enchiladas for dinner and gave dh the leftovers for dinner Monday. I love leftover nights, haha. For the most part now we are managing to have leftovers twice a week, which is nice and saves money.

We're back up to 98 degree weather (and yes, that is a complaint) this week. I just read something that we are predicted to have a really cold winter. I was teasing DH yesterday, watch, now that you will have your fancy new snow plow rig, we won't get any snow this winter. It does happen some years. The year we were over here looking at houses/property, in February and March, there wasn't any.

I need a new show or movie to watch. My half sister recommended a show she liked "Becoming Elizabeth" and I tried to watch some of it, but just can never seem to get into those English monarchy types of shows, for some reason.  Usually we have the same taste in shows and movies, but not on these ones, haha. 

I just had to got the pleasure to spend $57 on a part to fix our gate....I am so mad happy about this! I mean really, I should be pissed happy these asshole nice guys with their trucks and boat/raft trailers have a convenient place to turn around on my property anywhere they want. What were we thinking having landscaping and a closed gate?! Plus, Amazon is making money, the UPS guy is keeping busy with packages, I get to live longer. It's a win for everyone!

ok....ya...sorry everyone, that's probably not going to work for my personality, LOL. C'est la vie.

The second half of this season's Resident Alien starts back up tomorrow. Yay! That show always give me a laugh with it's quirky humor.

I've started kitty on adult food now that he's a year old. I'm mixing a little in with the kitten formula to try and finish that up and let his digestive adjust to the food change. He seems to really like it. He also really likes to go outside, LOL. We've been letting him out in the morning and he'll stay out 2-3 hours and come back to the back patio door (all glass so we can see him there, which is why we always use that door for him). Then at 4:30, when I was done working he wanted out again, so I let him. We don't let him out in the evening, but I figured it was still early enough. At 7:30 I went out to water the flowers and figured he'd show up, but he didn't. Then I walked around calling for him, but he didn't come. Finally found him trying to hide from me out at the very front corner of the yard, LOL

DD is enjoying company this week - from Australia! When the kids were young we set up a pen pal exchange with a kids race club in Australia. I think dd was about 8 or 9 at the time and got paired up with a girl her age. Almost 20 years later they are still friends and this is the friends second trip to the states and she's staying with dd/sil again for part of her trip. Pretty neat. And she sounds like she is pretty funny. Here was their text exchange when they were picking her up from the airport last night:

Friend: What car are you in?

DD: Dark green almost black Ford Explorer

Friend: Ah yes, so I'm being picked up by the Mafia, I see

DD: My dad calls it the FBI

Friend: Either way I'm fine with it. Spice things up a little.


  1. As long as the cat is hiding, raptors cannot see him. If he decides he wants to stay out longer, maybe you can use the scent of food to sure him back. At some point, he may want to stay out all night since he is growing up...lol.
    Hopefully, the problem of the turn arounds can be fixed. That would be annoying. Has the lumber solved any problems?
    I have never heard of your eye condition!

    1. We will do our best to not let him stay out past dark. We don't want him out in the dark with predators, such as coyote, though I'm sure he'd love to stay out! The lumber beams have worked so far, but dang they look ugly. At least once the fishing/rafting season is over we can remove them.

  2. I wondered about the non-complainer edition" remark and then read yesterday's post's comments.

    1. Apparently I'm supposed to have this perfect daily life. I suppose if I only posted once a week or a couple times a month I could manage to not ever complain in my posts. Or....maybe having this blog to occasionally vent about something, rather than keeping it all bottled inside, might let me live longer, too. haha!

  3. The Aussie has a great sense of humor. Love it!
    Keep those eye drops & ointment on hand. I have very dry eyes & keep non preservative drops. Makes a big difference with no burning sensation.
    UPS evidently busted your driver. I hate getting packages at 7pm. Ridiculous.

    1. We aren't too fond of 7 pm (and often even later than that!) especially during the winter months and it's already dark outside.

  4. A few years ago our mail box was hit 3 times in like 6 months. The big mailboxes I like are expensive, plus we had to replace the wood pole each time.then someone went down the road smashing all the boxes with a bat or something. I was tired of replacing boxes so we just straightened it as best we could and left it lol. Then we had a nice long break before it happened again about a year ago, then the snowplow hit it again last winter. Just waiting for it to happen again since things happen in 3’s right? The first winter we lived here someone hit our fence. The road was slippery, but it would have been nice if they fessed up and paid to fix it. Luckily most of the poles were still in the ground so Dh was able to buy new fencing and fix it in the winter. No one has ever paid to fix any of it. I guess it’s part of living outside of town because no one I know in town ever has this stuff happen lol.


    1. Our street is a little "offshoot" of the main old hwy, so thankfully no one has done that or done anything to the 3 mailboxes at the entrance. We did have the state snow plow go off the road one time! but it went over on the other side, right across from us. Big loud crash! But driver and the snow plow were ok, thankfully.

    2. Our road is just a frontage road that connects two tiny little towns (a couple hundred people max). It doesn’t go anywhere so it doesn’t get much traffic. I think the problem is it’s so dark out there at night, and my guess is some of these people have been drinking and are taking the frontage road rather than the interstate.

  5. Ah kitty is so cute, but I agree, I wouldn't want him out all night where you live! And your daughter's Ozzie friend sounds a hoot! How nice that they have kept in touch all these years!

    1. He's a fun cat, LOL. DD will enjoy her visit this week. Tonight they are taking her to an MLB baseball game. Tomorrow to see/hike a little at Mt. Rainier.

  6. Oh kitty, never a dull moment!! We don't have to repair anything because of others, but sometimes we have to take trash off our lawn because folks litter or their garbage gets blowm from the bins onto our lawn- ugh! Glad DD and her pen pal are still close. It reminds me of when you said neighbour's daughter and grand-daughter were upset they weren't seeing the Grand Canyon and had no other plans ... there is so much to see, as DD proves!

    1. I've always said someone who gets bored is just boring, LOL. You can always find something to do
