Friday, August 12, 2022

Carry on

Even though I'm an anti-American, non-freedom loving, constant complainer, fun buz-kill, petty and selfish, have I forgotten any? I'm sure I have, LOL. Oh ya, married to a non-manly Karen.....I am going to carry on with my blog just as I always have. Talking about this or that, whatever is happening in my life at the time, pretty much daily and pretty much just your average stuff of life. You will hear me complain, of that I have no doubt. Though you really won't often hear me talk of politics. I am what I am, but really have no desire to write much on it, let alone I see people as people first, not which party they are affiliated with. Boy, if I never talked to a liberal Democrat, I probably wouldn't have a job, LOL. I have to work with people on both sides of politics, people of other nationalities, skin color, gays, etc. I guess I'd have to stop taking care of my Democrat voting mom, too, eh?

(oh, by the way Fran/Leslie has now become Fran/Leslie/Francey - the name was changed yet again on her deleted post). I'm sure she'll be back under other names to set me straight.)

Anyhooo - We got our new side by side all licensed (on and off road). It cost $165, but it's a permanent license, so that part is good. One expense and done. It was a different lady (I think she's over the whole dept) helping us this time and she said she is retiring at the end of this year (after 23 years in the job) along with the other lady who is taking a job for an election she won, plus one quit. Yikes, that department is going to be hurting for awhile.

No idea when dh will actually be able to use the Mule and we'll get to take it out for a spin, haha! So far he's got the turn signals and brake lights installed and the heater installed (big job). Lots of wiring. The windshield washer arrived, but I"m not sure if he's got that installed yet, I think he did. He can't install the side mirrors until he's completely finished under the hood. The hood right now is pushed up and tied to the roll bar to keep it out of his way while working on it. Now he's waiting on the hard top and windshield to ship, which might be awhile. We are going to get the snow plow attachment next week from a company in the city. The place wanted $650 to install it, but he'll save the money and can do it himself. YouTube videos have been his friend in installing all this, when he gets stuck or the directions don't make sense. The cat tries to be a shop cat and keep him company, but he discovered the old recliner out there

I'm starting to get used to the Monkfruit sweetener in my coffee. I also found it much cheaper through where I am buying a supplement for dh and some daily vitamins for me. They have 1lb bags for the same price I just bought 8 oz for through Amazon. Now, if I could just get used to the heavy cream instead of the processed steps, I guess. I have been eating more eggs, fried in olive oil. Not daily, but I'll have one for lunch about every other day. I'm enjoying my one square of dark chocolate per day, that is high in beneficial flavonoids, as well as a handful of pistachios. I just keep the chocolate and the bag of pisatchios at my desk, for when I'm feeling like I need a snack. I'm trying to like blueberries, but no luck so far, LOL. Most fruit is just a texture thing for me I don't like. DD is now reading the book I read about all this (Genius Foods) and liking it and finding it really informative. They downloaded an app called Yuka, which you can scan the bar code on foods in your fridge and pantry and it scores them. Her dh kept scanning stuff in their pantry and saying "OMG" LOL. The highest score food I scanned was actually my grassfed organic milk, haha. It got an 85 out of 100. She scanned the Carnation instant breakfast we both drink - ZERO score. What the heck?! LOL. I'm like does using my 85 score milk in it even out the points?

We got a little more light rain last evening, giving me another break from watering. Mostly that relieves my back, from carrying the full watering can(s). I've been trying to be smarter and just carry one at a time, which seems to go easier on my back and the extra walking back and forth to only carry one at a time is good exercise, too. 

DH was trying to work on the gate repair and realized the other half/side of the gate got damaged too. The other side got pushed so hard the huge long lag bolts actually started to pull out. No worries, I guess. Can't blame or be mad at whoever did it - they are just out to have fun!

And while I'm at it, let's just clarify this "street" I'm so constantly complaining about. It's a private road easement. We own the property the paved "street" (it's just basically a long paved strip through all the lots) runs through. We pay taxes on it. We are responsible for maintaining it. The easement gives the owners of the lots (#4-7) on the other side of our property rights to access their property (egress/ingress). That's it. Just as Mr. & Mrs Neighbor own the first 2 lots, we have an easement to access our property by driving through their property. That's it. We don't have rights to use the street on their property for anything else. Mr & Mrs actually have zero rights to be on our property, if you wanted to come right down to it, just as we have zero rights to use the rest of the street, past our property line. They do not need to use our property to access theirs. DH only put the wood beams along the "street" on our property. He does not have the right to put them along the rest of the street, as that is not our property or right to do so.  So, when I am talking about our street, I'm not referring to some public road type of street you find in typical neighborhoods, cities and towns. This "street" runs through our property. Our yard goes right up to the street and also continues on the other side of it, which we own almost out to the main public road. Same goes for the other lots.

DD will start her final class for her masters degree next month and will be graduated with her masters Dec 1st. Gosh, that seemed to go by fast. She said the whole thing cost her $15, lol, the company paid for the rest of it. I know she's really looking forward to not having to study all the time. I think she's pretty much gotten straight A's for all the classes. She will turn 27 in a few months.

I'm happy it's Friday. This Saturday I do plan to actually get the vacuuming done, now that my back has been feeling fine.


  1. Oh gosh. You and I are likely quite divergent in many thoughts about the US, but I say that makes us both fully patriotic. We utilize our freedom, and also hold people violating agreed upon norms, accountable. Enough head space to that idiot, whatever name they come up with next. I like cream but no sweet in my coffee. I was curious how you would like the monk fruit addition. Congratulations to your daughter.

    1. Mostly, it all gave me a good laugh yesterday. I just find it funny/ironic that people (more than one) will come on my blog to complain about me complaining. LOL. I was finding it weird that I totally liked the monk fruit sprinkled a bit on my cereal, in place of sugar, but didn't not like it in my coffee, at first. I just wish it wasn't so darn expensive, but like my dd commented - I guess in the long run getting off of sugar is cheaper in terms of health care.

    2. If your dd comes to visit have her get you monkfruit at Costco. My dd says that’s the cheapest place she has found it. Maybe the flavor changes when it’s hot. I tasted it on my finger, and used it in baking is all, but my dd does use it in her coffee.


    3. good idea to have her check at Costco. I tasted it first on my finger, too, haha and found it to pretty much taste like sugar too. Maybe it is the heat - hadn't thought if it. I do want to try it in baking something. I might make some tapioca pudding this weekend and see how that works.

  2. I am as liberal as they come...okay, but not so extreme as some. However, I have never been offended by anything in your blog. As for complaining, go ahead. I suppose your druggie neighbors would have been fine in her book.

    There is one troll who comes on my blog and makes statements about how food giveaways are for people who need food and I have too many things to qualify. Well, she has it all wrong. I do qualify. So, the trolls have to lie to have anything to say.

    I love Carnation Instant Breakfast! But, I have not had any in years because of diabetes. I figure we all have to have one deadly food. But, hopefully not everything we eat is bad for us. Try whizzing blueberries in something you drink.

    1. and I have never been offended by anything on your blog. Yes, I'm conservative, but that's not why I blog. To be honest, I'm about to the point where I'm sick of all politicians and politics. Most of it is all corrupt, it seems. I've even taken some free food a couple of times. A friend who gets donations for our town/school sometimes gets way too much dropped off and she can't get rid of it all before it spoils so then she will put the word out to the rest of us if we want to come and get it. I would think, living on social security, you would qualify for sure.

    2. Food giveaways are for people who need it....hmmmm., doesn't EVERYBODY need food? I've been told that I shouldn't shop at thrift shops because I can afford retail prices. I am not above taking free food--our school district provided free meals for 0 - 18 during remote learning, and does regularly throughout the summer, be the kids enrolled or not. I can't tell you how many people who live in town walk to get the lunches simply to break up the day. I have picked up a summer lunch or two back in the day if I was passing by the supermarket distribution with kids. I also had no compunction about taking the boxed mac and cheese and bagged rice the district distributed to "qualifying" families off my neighbor's hands. (Her kids wouldn't eat that brand of mac and cheese, and they don't like rice. I also took a bag of eyed potatoes off her hands the same day as well since she was going to toss them.)

    3. I agree. I have also donated things to the school "pantry closet". I don't see much difference me handing off extra eggs to my neighbors or our retired friend or the one with the garden handing off extra vegetables from her garden to us. None of us "need" the others free stuff, but certainly enjoy sharing it.

    4. One and Meg,
      May I use your comments on my blog? I get less than $860 in ss and ssi.

    5. Of course you may use my comment! I'm guessing you qualify for more than free food. If you have not already, please check in your area for the programs that reduce your electric bill and internet cost. Most states/areas have this program.

    6. Yes, you may use my comment.

  3. I only occasionally get trolled but now I just delete their comments. Sad little lives they've got! Oh and I use the Yuka app too - it can be quite eye-opening!

    1. I may end up having to delete, but I've been very lucky for the most part all these years. Yes, that Yuka app is eye opening. When dd told me about it I downloaded it and told her I'm scared to try it! haha.

    2. @Treaders, I'll have to check out this app.

    3. I think you'll have a few surprises Rhitter!

  4. That looks like the recliner we used to have. lol Overstuffed with the same color and fabric. You could recline in it but it also rocked. It took up a lot of space so we gave it to our daughter who has a bigger living room. It will be so nice when the side by side is all done and you two can tool around in it. We own two 4-wheelers and sometimes ride the country roads together.

    1. it's a rocking recliner too, but springs in the seat have busted and it's not comfortable to sit on but dh can't throw anything out, LOL, so he occasionally will take a break on it in the shop. Works for the cat! I think we will really enjoy having the Mule to use once we can.

  5. I'm here primarily for the kitty pics! But I read the posts as well and often feels as if we are leading parallel lives, right down to the spousal complaints about things things beyond our realm of control. The troll should have just gone by Sybil, although there seems to be only one toxic personality present.

    1. You should see my phone pics - almost all of that cat, LOL. He's quite entertaining. Sybil...that's a good one! I meant to correct her on dh's name. It's not Karen - we actually call my dh Gladys (nosy) and he's totally fine with it, because he can laugh and take a joke.

  6. Well it looks like FranLes stayed home today. Thank god!
    Now I see why side by sides can be so pricy. My "Karen" does laundry but he couldn't do what yours is doing with the Mule. That's going to be really nice. :)

    1. DH had gotten a dealer to quote him a Mule with everyone he wanted on it. Then he priced it with just a stripped down Mule and buying and installing the add-ons himself and he's saving thousands this way. Thankfully he knows how to do this kind of stuff (and gives him a project to work on)

  7. That cat is abusing his supervisory powers, LOL - sleeping on the job! No one likes their street used in the way yours is being used - in Toronto, the rich area has speedbumps all through the streets to discourage fast/annoying driving

    1. Private roads can be annoying to have passing through properties, but around here they are necessary.

  8. Maybe try using a wheelbarrow, if you have one, to put your watering cans in. And I think that Fran(k)/Leslie(gender neutral name) is a man trying to make you think he is a woman by using those names. People with attitude like that get off on stirring the pot. Loser in any case. LOL

    1. Well, that is a super smart idea about the wheelbarrow! DH has been coming out to help me most evenings after my back started hurting. People who have to hide behind different names to post on blogs aren't people who's opinions I can take seriously.

  9. Congrats to your daughter! And, whoa there with the wild & crazy comments yesterday from your "reader". Wow. She managed to insult pretty much everyone, I think.
