Sunday, August 14, 2022

Quiet Sunday

It's been a nice morning, being outside awhile, before it gets too hot. I added some miracle grow in water to a few of my struggling plants. DH got started with mowing. I was looking for the cat and calling him a bit, but he's out and about, LOL. He had almost 48 hours where he had to stay indoors, and he was none too happy about it all day yesterday. On Friday dh had sprayed the lawn out front with some crabgrass killer and the instructions recommended keeping pets away from it for 48 hours. Since both our neighbors tend to let their dogs loose almost every day, and since the dogs always tend to come to our yard, dh did a group text to both neighbors giving them a heads up that he sprayed our lawn, in case they want to have their dogs avoid it. Mr. Neighbor said thank you for letting them know. The other neighbor was crickets.

I wanted to order more Monkfruit sugar substitute and did a little online pricing comparisons and found the same brand half the price I paid on Amazon, so I ordered that. I also needed some more of the ointment I put in my eyes. Walgreens and RiteAid want like $30 for a tube (it's tiny!) but I found it for almost half that with another online seller.

My mom called me around 8pm last night. I had already seen on the cameras that after she took her pills at 6:20pm she went downstairs. I assumed to do the normal 6:30 Saturday activity of "movie night" down in their tv room. She doesn't do it often, but sometimes. I saw she got back about an hour later. The audio isn't the greatest and when she's talking to herself she's not talking loud enough so that mostly I just get a few words out of it all. She dropped her keys in the dish and said something about "how embarrassing". But, she didn't seem upset or anything. Then she walked over to reset her a/c temperature, so that air kicked on and I coudn't hear over that until she walked closer to her recliner and then said "I guess that's the way it goes. I'm not moving that's for sure. No way am I moving". Since I've installed the cameras I have heard her come back to her apartment and say this a couple of times before. My guess is these old people sit around and talk about if they are going to have to move into assisted living or nursing home! 

Then at 8pm she called me. She was very calm and not upset, but wanted to tell me something happened when she was watching tv (I assumed she meant when she was downstairs) and something is not going right with her brain right now. As usual, there was no way for her to remember or communicate with me what exactly happened (or she thinks happened) so it's just a jumble of different things she says that I always have to try to piece together what she may be talking. Something about the tv volume and she thought she could adjust it but no one else was doing anything. I couldn't really get any other details out of her. She just said "I don't know, it was just weird". Then I said it sounds like maybe you got a little confused while you were down there. She said she thinks so and just said "it was bad. All day was bad". Not quite sure what that means either, as I had talked to her on the phone in the morning and she was fine and whenever I checked in via camera she seemed fine. But at least whatever happened it didn't seem to make her agitated or stressed out. I suggested she get some rest and it appears she went to bed not too long after that.

Of course it upsets me and then I sit and worry about her. But, when I went to bed I had to tell myself she will wake up tomorrow and have no memory of any of this and will be fine. I just talked her and she's fine, no memory of it, of course. Hard to say what might have happened down there, but most likely someone said something to her that bothered her. I also know if it gets to the point the staff feels she's not capable of living there, they will tell me that. The one lady I talked to, just before hiring the caregiver she told me about, said my mom is doing fine and doesn't need to be in assisted living yet, if she can get the extra help like the caregiver provides. She said when they have to make the decision to tell the family they have to be moved is when they either can't get down to meals or start wondering during the night, which she said she had one now doing that and her family was going to be moving her to memory care. Probably the same one that mom's caregiver mentioned when I chatted with her before I went up to see mom, when I was there a few weeks ago. Speaking of the caregiver, I really don't understand why she hasn't billed us yet! But, I've already inquired to her about it, after it had been a month, so I guess she'll bill when she bills. Not sure how she pays her assistant if she doesn't do her billing LOL. I like to be on top of bills and it's driving me nuts, haha.

It's about time for lunch, so I need to figure out what I want to eat. 


  1. Sorry about your mom. Hopefully she forgot all that & today is better for her.
    I know this is upsetting for you. :(

    1. She did forget. Small blessings with that, I guess.

  2. It seems maybe the volume on the movie/tv was not loud enough and she tried to turn it higher somehow and staff stopped her. Maybe she still has enough awareness to know she should not have done things, but overblows the aftermath. Then, of course, it is all gone from her memory. The facility or the caregiver can probably tell you what happened.

    1. Maybe another resident said some to her.

    2. I'm thinking it was another resident. Some of them are like her with memory issues and I know it can be common for them to not have much of a filter in what they say. I don't think the staff sticks around at activities like this. They probably turn the movie on and that's that. The only one's they stay at are one's a staff member leads - like daily exercise

  3. Yes I think Practical Parsimony has hit the nail on the head. She's had someone 'tell her off" - although they haven't really but it feels - or felt - to her like they did, at the time.
    I'm like you - I know which bills need settling, when and how much. I know someone who finds her finances "boring" and never looks at her bank balance, saying - Oh no! It would be too much of a shock!

    1. That's kind of what I'm thinking - she said something or wanted to adjust the volume and one of the other residents threw a little fit and said something to her. We have had employees we reimburse for the expenses and they won't cash the (large) checks for months and I'm like boy, must be nice not to need the money or care.

    2. In the old days of chequebooks I would say at least two a year that I wrote out each year were never ever cashed in.

    3. Because I couldn't make the funeral I sent a cheque for my friend Steve's funeral asking his daughter to make it payable to whichever charity she wished in his name. Three years later and it's still not cashed.

    4. I can believe it Treaders but it still amazes me, as someone who knows where every penny of my money is! 😂
