Wednesday, August 24, 2022

All quiet on the western front

No neighbor update/news yet. We keep expecting to see, sometime this week, his construction machines delivered. My guess is it would be today or tomorrow, since they said 10 days last Monday. Our guess, is once he finds out and is mad, he's going to take a group of trees down just out of spite. I can't even remember how it came up, but the very first time we talked with them (like last October), when they told us they were buying the lots, the guy was trying to be all friendly. DH didn't bring it up at all, but the guy said something or asked something and dh said well, my only hope is that you leave this group of trees out here. There is a nice group of fully grown fir and pine trees on their property, out front, next to the street, kind of filling up that corner of their property. He was like "oh, of course". So, I'm sure those will be coming down now, ha!

We get to be down to 85 degrees today and low 80's the next few days. Yay! LOL. I am not much of a really hot weather person. 

About once a week, whichever caregiver is doing the after dinner visit, they sometimes don't make it before 6:30, so mom's medicine dispenser will chime at 6:30 that it's time to dispense the pills. The odd part is that before I hired them, almost every single night it would chime and mom would think it was the telephone ringing and call me to see if I called. Then they have been coming for 2 months now and there have only been a handful of times they didn't get there before the chiming went off...and each time mom now knew it was the dispenser and not her phone! But, last night they didn't show up and she did think it was her phone. So strange how the brain just goes back and forth with sometimes knowing and sometimes not. It's been 2 months now and still no billing from the caregiver. A month ago I already asked her about the billing and she said she hadn't done her billing for the month yet. I asked how she sends it, email? and she said yes, she can email it, so I texted her my email address. And now another month of service and no billing. How does she pay her assistant if she doesn't do billing regularly? LOL. I don't know if I should ask again or what. It's the accountant in me that likes regular bills and to get things paid, haha. I don't like bills and unknown amounts just hanging over my head. I guess I'll wait until after the first of September and if she still hasn't sent anything I'll ask again.

Dh has thanked me several times for sending the email to the neighbors and getting everyone together to fight this covenant issue. We are both impressed (and a bit surprised) how quickly and how much the other neighbors stepped up. Honestly, it seems like they were more upset by the prospect of what he wants to build there than we were. Mr talked with the county attorney again yesterday and he said he will do everything he can to help us with this. What that probably actually means is that he will get on the other county employees/depts, who may end up involved, to make sure they just aren't ignoring dealing with the problem....which is what they all do, as much as they can get away with. None of these county employees/commissioners do much of anything at all, unless it directly affects them, a relative, or a good friend. Shoot - our elected sheriff is only required to work like one day a month! Ya, that really gets things resolved (rolling eyes).


  1. The flurry of activity was quite impressive. But, my bet is that the trees will go. You can try to block that, too. Ask the attorney or someone. In my city there is an arborist who tells people if they can cut a tree on their property. It is quite bizarre, but it saves trees from cut-happy people!

    There was a time when your mother could never remember, so I am so surprised she seems to have this now. It is amazing how the brain works.

    1. It was impressive and hopefully was enough to take care of the issue. The is nothing in our county that prohibits pretty much anyone doing anything on their properties, unless there are some covenants (rare for here). But, I did re-read and our covenants do state "it is the intent to preserve the wooded atmosphere within the subdivision by retaining a significant amount of trees on each lot", so we may have something there to use.

  2. You guys have to stop the "new" guy. What an idiot! Does he think no one will notice the monstrosity he wants to put in your neighborhood? Why would he even choose residential area? Fools like that can be dangerous.
    I think your mom is getting close to needing full-time assisted care. I know it's sad.

    1. He does have to be stopped. The owners of the lot (not built on yet) on the other side of his lots say NO WAY IN HELL do they want to live next door to an 8000 sf metal shop. They said they looked for 2 years to find this piece of property to build their retirement home on and no way are just going to look the other way at what this guy wants to do to our residential neighborhood.

  3. Personally, I’d skip the tree deal. You may like them. I might like them, but I just think bringing trees into your more serious concerns makes you look petty. I just think it’s important to pick your battles, and I don’t think trees are on the same level as turning your property into a construction business.


    1. If he decides he's going to knock the trees down, there's really nothing we'll be able to do. He can knock them down in a matter of minutes. I was just stating that it won't surprise us one bit that he does it. It is in the covenants, too, so...but, not our plan to do anything about it. Like you said, it's the least of our concerns.

  4. Even though I'm not an accountant I know I would be all over the fact that your mom's caregiver has not billed you for two months. We have the same problem occasionally in France and I don't understand how these people function. Hell I once approached a plumber years ago who I bumped into at the doctor's office and told him I'm sure I owed him money from a year ago. How do they stay in business?

    1. right?! and then I start worrying she sent it but it went to spam or she typed my email wrong....I keep checking my spam folder.

    2. I agree - unbelievable they haven't billed you yet. I hope you are keeping track of their visits yourself so you aren't charged for times they didn't show up or not charged for an extra visit. If this is the way she does her billing - who knows how she keeps track of services provided!
