Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Working wi-fi

okie dokie, I think (ok, I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed) the wi-fi is working correctly, again.
I texted the tele co guy this morning to follow up, as I haven't heard back from him since Monday. He called me a bit later and though I ended up on the phone for a good hour or more with him, I think it's fixed. And I didn't have to upgrade our service for more money. I was able to follow his instructions while he told me what to do over the phone. Guess that's faster than waiting weeks for one of their people to do an onsite visit.

I don't know the technical parts of it, but apparently the electricians didn't have the google system set up quite right. Which explained why, when I was in the app, it would show "connected" but also showed that two of the 3 devices weren't really, or had a really weak connection. Something was plugged into the modem/router wrong.  He had me uplug everything and start over setting the network up. Then all 3 came on and connected and the strength on all 3 is showing as Great, where before, it was showing as Weak.

Only time (and DH using it) will tell over the next couple of days if it's all good. I took my phone and DH's phone out to the shop and had no issues with it dropped and switching back to LTE. I was even outside, clear at the other end of the shop, while handing DH his phone back and still on wi-fi.

My legs are tired from going back and forth between the 3 devices a hundred times, while on the phone with him, LOL. The tele co guy seemed pretty sharp. He was also getting some help from one of the other techs, in the background. He said they both use the google wi-fi system in their homes, so that tells me it must be a good system to have.

The new Amazon Fire Tv stick arrived, so while DH was outside busy doing something, I decided to get that set up, so it's all ready to go when he wants to watch tv after dinner. It wouldn't work at first. Helps to put the batteries in the remote control the right direction. It does seem like it responds and loads, that could be the new and improved wi-fi or it could be the new firestick. I guess I won't really know now, haha. The pain is that I have to reload every app I was using on the old one. For now, I just did the 3 we use the most and will get the rest added back on, as I go. I haven't tried the Alexa voice remote yet. But, I do like that this remote control turns the tv on/off and volume and mute with just the one remote.

So, while I'm sitting here all happy and thinking this is all working great now...I'm sure within the next 24 hours I'm going to probably hear DH "it's not working!!" again. It's always too good to be true, right? But, in the meantime, I'm going to stay optimistic.


  1. With the experts guiding you and unplugging everything, it will probably work. I know sometimes I have had to just start over to get tech stuff to actually work correctly. Good work. Good luck.

  2. We are so dependent now on working wi-fi-you particular since you work form home. I hope you continue to have it working well. We get blips all the time, and it is so slow at home.

    1. We were able to hardwire my office computer, so that makes it a little more reliable on that end. I just wish we could have done DH's computer that way.

  3. Congratulations on getting things figured out. It sounds like you also got a nice workout by walking around the house so much trying to fix everything.

    1. My phone apps shows I walked 1.4 miles, LOL.

  4. Fingers crossed & hold your breath!

  5. Hope things are straightened out for you now.
