Tuesday, July 16, 2019

at least I have cake now

I could just kill DH right now. He just bleeds me money. The electrician had sent a billing for the google wi-fi system. Remember - he said he wouldn't charge us labor. He wrote the bill up as $550 for labor, then a credit for labor and then the charge for the google system and some cables, $268.

Well, while the electrician's guys were here Thursday they brought up that the company that put in our gas fireplace billed them $250 for the trip they had to make out here, when it was tripping the breaker or something wrong.  Before the fireplace guy came out, the electrician had told him, if it's an electrical problem just bill us for the trip out. So, it was apparently thought to be an electrical problem, though, after the fact, the electricians don't think it was and they are trying to resolve with the fireplace guys. DH decided to get in the middle. He called the fireplace guy...then  he called the electrician (the owner guy). In the meantime, DH explained to the electrician what going on with our internet still now working right and that I am now working with the phone/internet company on it. Then he tells the electrician owner that he wants us to pay for the labor.....so now I have to pay the $550 thanks to DH's big mouth! And then in a few days or week, DH is going to be complaining because I don't have money for something he needs for the house/yard. You watch...

I did buy one thing from Amazon Prime Day. A new tv Firestick for $14.99 (reg. $39.99). I looked back in my order history and we've had this one now for 4 1/2 years, which means it's a first generation one. It's slow and always needing to be restarted. I'm hoping a new one will be a little faster............and if not? well, for $15, we'll have an extra one, I can use on our other tv (that is still in a box) or for when we put a tv up in the bonus room, someday. This new one also has Alexa voice remote. 

Our neighbors are having round 2 (or is it 3) of their summer B&B/boat storage, etc. Other than a few days last week, where no one was visiting, it's been non-stop for 4 weeks now. Now it is their 2 adult children and their families. DH, being DH has to complain (to me) about every thing. He was annoyed that they were riding Mr.'s quad around. DH is like - there is a 2 mile dirt road on county/state land across the road they could go ride on (where no one will really have to listen) and there is over 20 acres of state land on the other side of them to ride on, but they chose to ride in their driveway and up and down our little street, LOL. And one of the guys with storing the boat is back, or maybe it's a completely new one. I didn't recognize this pick up that brought it.

And then while they were "annoying" us, Mrs. comes over to ask a favor. HAHA! They were all going to be gone today, but she was having someone from an HVAC company (same one we used) come at noon, to look at their furnace - could DH let him in and show him where it is downstairs? Here's the funny - when we are telling people where we live, or directions to our house we usually just end up saying "you know where Mr lives? (which of course most people do). We are next door to them". But, I guess she was trying to tell the hvac guy where they live and give directions and he said "oh, you live next door to Mr One?" Haha! He was out here several times getting our hvac set up, so we got to know him. Then DH went out into the shop or outside for something and was gone for awhile. I look out one of our windows and see him over at neighbors, standing in their garage, talking to everyone. Later, when I asked him, he says that the teenager-ish age girl was riding the quad really careful, etc. I said, ya and knowing you, after you complain to me about the noise annoying you, then you turned around and offered them to use our quad too! He laughed and said he thought about it......

I'm still waiting to hear back from the phone company guy. Wonder how many attempts this will take to resolve.  Well, off to get in the shower and take on the day.  Wonder what DH will manage to complain about today. Seriously, that's about all he does now. He's realizing it, too, but then just says "I'm in pain, that's why". 

I finally made a cake yesterday, during my lunch break. Had cake and ice cream for dessert last night.


  1. Oh tell me about husbands bleeding money. I remember when we bought our son a scooter, we also bought two helmets. My ex gave the sellers €200 "as a tip, because they gave us "free" helmets"! When I said we had bought them he wasn't even embarrassed! On the other hand, those quad bikes would do my head in - especially if they have other places they could be riding! Sometimes you just can't win can you!

    1. there's tons of areas they could ride and be out of earshot, for sure. Men are just dumb sometimes, aren't they?! DH just wants everyone to like him, so he's always giving away our money and/or his time for free.

  2. This is a lot of noise to put up with when you chose the location for the peace and quiet. You cannot even hear the birds with all this racket going on.

    1. At least they didn't do it too long. Funny, the other evening we were sitting on the back patio. I was reading (and listening to birds!) DH had some music playing on his phone. I commented I wasn't much of a fan of the particular musician he was playing and he asked what I wanted to listen to. I said I wanted to listen to nature and the birds! LOL. The two bald eagles were chattering at something.
