Monday, July 1, 2019

The house is shaking

Oh my! The excavator guy is here first thing this morning and using the big roller to compact the gravel. The whole house is vibrating, LOL. The neighbor dogs are riled up, too, about it.

The new dehumidifier is doing it's job, thankfully. The humidity in the crawl space is now down in the low 50's. It's also nice that the unit has a setting where it will only run if it gets above a certain limit, otherwise is shuts off. That should make the unit last longer, rather than having it run 24/7. I'm hoping it at least lasts us a few years. Speaking of appliances...I opened the bottom freezer door on my brand new refrigerator yesterday and a little ball bearing fell on the floor. Great. We can't figure out where it came from (the door tracks likely) but the door seems to be working the same. Hopefully, no more fall out.

I made banana bread yesterday afternoon. I really really love having a/c in the house. It was 85 degrees outside, but nice and cool and no problem to bake inside.

I'm glad this is a short work week. We get Friday off, too. Saturday we have a BBQ to go to at the woodworker guys house. The invitation says pulled pork, salmon and............ Bring a side dish and a chair. I'm going to make my 4 cheese and bacon mac and cheese.

I had a phone chat with my boss last week. It sounds like a couple of things that have been in the works are probably going to happen. The first is we are going to change payroll/HR companies, after being with the same one for almost 20 years. They got bought out by another company a couple/few years ago and service quality just hasn't been the same. The only thing that has kept my boss from changing is the lady that does the HR part. She has been our person the whole 20 years and she is very good. It sounds like we might offer her a part time position to be our HR person. She is getting close to retirement, I think, so might be something she would do.  The other project is we are opening a 2nd office in another territory, with about 4 employees to start. This will only be about a 2 hour drive from me. I told my boss if/when she has to go there again (she's working on getting an office lease set up) let me know and I'd drive over to see it and visit with her. She didn't realize I was that close. It will be interesting to see how this new office goes. We've had other offices like this is past years and ended up selling them, because they didn't fare well. One of them is the company I have my side job with. But, they have flourished, so obviously it was just a matter of poor management at the time.


  1. My first thought when reading your post title was, "She's having an earthquake!" LOL. You are reminding me to get some baking done while the weather isn't too hot - I don't have a/c, so, I tend not to use the oven during the summer. I do have a small toaster oven, which I use to bake a few small items, but, it's too small to bake any bread or muffins, etc. I hope your day goes well and you have a good start to your week.

    1. I've never used the oven much in summers either. I gave my toaster oven to my DD when she was here. I really doubt I'll ever use it again. I only used it a few times when we were in the shop. I didn't really care it much.

  2. I do use the oven in the summer, but try to only use it in the early morning or at night. But then I live in Alabama and a/c is a must!
