Wednesday, July 10, 2019

More tv and wedding details

I use my mom's Xfinity account log in, for when I want to view a live tv show, or some on demand shows. The only channel I've noticed I can't seem to watch live, is CBS. But, I can only watch this on my ipad or on my desktop computer, not the tv. There is supposedly a backdoor way, but when I tried it it didn't work for me. But, I did discover that we can load the FoxNews app on the Firestick, and then log into the xfinity account through that app.

Over the weekend I figured out I can do a few more channels, that way, too. NBC, Discovery and Fox (the regular channel for tv shows, not news) all have apps on Firestick and then log in with the Xfinity account.. We were able to watch the Nascar race live Sunday on NBC, so that made DH happy. Now, that I know I have access to watching these channels, we should be fine, without needing a subscription for live tv, like to Hulu.

We came up with a new plan on where to stay for our DD's wedding. It's about a 5 hour drive, from us, where she is having the small ceremony, in the mountains area. They are camping there, as well as her in-laws and another couple they are good friends with. The others are either staying in lodging in the area (there isn't much) or just driving the 2-ish hours back and forth.

We weren't sure what to do with our dogs, if we went and stayed in lodging. I probably would have had to take the dogs to a boarding place in the city. The nearest town with all the motels, is really not the nicest area to stay. Big druggie town. (that is actually where they say a majority of the drugs coming into this state are originating from - that town). So, we had just kind of decided to drive over there in the morning, (the ceremony is at 11am), do the ceremony and stay for the afternoon (lunch and cake at their campsite), and then drive back home the same day. But DH had a good idea. We have now rented a camper trailer for the weekend, ( from someone who lives very near where they are camping. This way we can spend the weekend with them and bring our dogs with us. Win win for all.

Then my mom said she wasn't going to be able to go to the ceremony because her BF didn't want to do the drive (DD and BF are also having a reception/BBQ next month, near where my mom lives, that she will attend). None of us want her to drive herself 2 hours, to some place she's not familiar with, but we assumed her BF would go with her. Afterall, they've made several trips even farther than that together (going to visit friends on other side of the state, several times the past few years), in fact they recently made that 2 days each way, driving trip, when they stopped by our house on the way back. We figured they could handle the 2 hours drive together to where DD is getting married. DD and I tried to find someone she could ride with, but with only about 20 guests total, the only people coming from her area, were also staying overnight/camping.

So, in my recent email to her BF (responding to his email about her dr. appt), I mentioned the wedding. I kind of had a feeling that even if she was giving him the info about where and how long it's supposed to last, she most likely was confused and forgetting half of the details. So, I just said to him, I know her wedding isn't in the most convenient place, but it is just about a 2 hour drive from mom's house and the campsite/ceremony area is literally just a hundred yards off the highway. It will be a short ceremony at 11am, followed by a lunch and cake at the campsite, if they wanted to drive back home that afternoon. (it's not an all day event they would need to be there for). I said I just wanted to make sure she had relayed the details to him correctly, and if they can make it, it would mean a lot to DD to have them there, but we understood if he just doesn't feel well enough to attend. They both drive about 40 minutes each way just to visit each other, as well as a couple times a month they go to retirement luncheons, usually held over an hours drive away from them. I think they could do a 2 hour drive.

Well, then my mom called yesterday and said she doesn't know what changed his mind (LOL) but it sounds now like they will be trying to come, as long as he's feeling ok to drive/ride. She can drive, no problem (so can he) but not that far by herself.  She said he said told her he didn't realize it was only about a 2 hours drive, and they drove much farther then that each day, on their recent trip.


  1. Wedding camping? I am glad he got the details straight from you as it appears he might not have gotten it right from her.

    1. they are having a small outdoor ceremony, up in the mountains, with around 20 people invited. Her fiance's uncle is performing the ceremony. Very casual and intimate. She didn't want the big fancy wedding, that she feels like is a big show.

  2. I kind of like the idea of wedding camping.

    1. I think it will be fun and relaxing. Not a usual wedding, haha.

  3. Your daughter's wedding plans with an outdoors wedding sounds nice! I hope your mom can make it to the wedding.

    1. I hope she can make it too, but at least they are still having the reception party later on, that she can attend, if she just can't make it.
