Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The I do's are done

It was a lovely wedding. Very simple, yet she looked so elegant. A sweet, relaxed wedding. There were about 22 or so guests, just family and friends closest to them were invited. The weather was perfect and the setting allowed for being in the shade, since it was about 80 degrees. They were both so happy.

We got there the afternoon before and bride and groom met us at the lady's house where we were picking up the camper trailer and they hauled it to the campsite for us, about 25 miles or so from there. SIL's parents and another couple were there, and the guys got us all set up right away. DH didn't even have to do anything which was nice after the long drive over (about 6 hours). That other couple were cooking for everyone all weekend, so that was very very nice, too. I didn't have to try to pack food, etc, which was good, because we really wouldn't have had room in my car to bring that, too, since we had the dogs, a big suitcase, pillows and a bin of misc stuff. The wife of that couple came over to introduce herself. She had seen we were wearing the same t-shirt, LOL. As soon as she walked up I noticed it too. We got a good laugh out of it. They also had an extra generator they brought, so we could have some power. At the end of the weekend I gave the guy $40 for gas for it. He didn't want to take it, but I convinced him. I said just use it to fill up and share with the next people you let use it.

After a great dinner, we did a little rehearsal of the ceremony.

Saturday morning DD got ready in our camper trailer. The others got the chairs set up, a few decorations, and some balloons set up down the road for those guests that were just coming for the day, along with some food prep.

SIL's uncle performed the ceremony, so that made it special for them. He and his wife were very nice and we enjoyed getting to know them. They didn't have a best man or maid of honor. SIL's sister, who passed away last year, was supposed to be the maid of honor, so they decided not to have that. DH walked me down the aisle to our seats. Then he went back and got DD. We couldn't see her from there, as there was a little rise in the ground and then sloped back down to campsite. As he walked her over that little rise, it was perfect. And dang - I forgot to grab some tissues!

My mom and her bf made it, but it was hard on him, as I guess he had fallen down again that morning at her place. Ugh. They decided not to say for the lunch and cake and we all understood. It was just good that she was able to be there to see DD and watch the ceremony.

The boyfriend of SIL's sister, (who passed away) does photography, so he did the pictures, and his sister also took pics and video. Such nice young people. Their parents were there, too. DD had loaded songs on her phone and bought an outdoor bluetooth speaker, so she could play music and do the dances. They did the bride and groom dance and then she danced with her father. Then groom danced with his mom. I was standing next to dd, with my arm around her. DH on the other side and groom's dad a couple feet on the other side of him. DH just knew he was thinking of his daughter and that he was never going to get to do this with her, so he went over and hugged him and said something and they just stood there hugging while they were saying whatever they were saying to each other. I think everyone was in tears about then. DD and I were doing ok, but then we looked over at the young lady taking pictures of the dances and she just had tears streaming down her face, so then of course we started crying. But, that's why DD just wanted a small, intimate wedding. She knew there would be some crying and a some sadness thinking about her, along with the happy tears we were all feeling for the happy couple. She didn't want a bunch of people there, that wouldn't really have understood what all they were all feeling.

The food wasn't quite ready, so she decided to do the cake (she had 2 small cakes) cutting and we had cake, which was very delicious. We all just sat around in camp chairs and visited, then had a nice lunch of pulled pork and lots of sides. Some of the guests left after that and a few more were staying the night. We had another campfire later that night. The son of the couple that did all the cooking is an astronomy buff, so he had brought a huge telescope he set up and we got to see Jupiter and it's moons. Pretty neat.

Sunday morning, DD and SIL hauled our camper trailer back to the people's house we rented it from and we headed back home for our 6 hour drive. We got home around 4:30pm or so. It was good to be home. Our house was still standing and the river is still flowing, so it's all good :) Our daughter is happy and that is all that matters. They are now enjoying their honeymoon camping and exploring one of the national parks for the week.


  1. Ah, that sounds just lovely. My sister passed away four months before my brother's wedding, and we had a similar happy/teary ceremony. It's good to be surrounded by loved ones when you're dealing with that and not too many strangers. Your DD sounds like she has good judgement.

    1. she has very good judgement, especially for only being 23. But, she's always been grown up, even as a kid.

  2. Sounds like you had a beautiful day for the wedding and everything went well. Sounds like a beautiful setting and was so nice that it was small and intimate.

    1. I overheard one of their friends commenting to them that he loved the wedding - all the wedding needed but only 10% of the stress (of a traditional big wedding).

  3. Congrats to the newlyweds! Even my eyes welled up with tears reading your post. It was particularly weird because, I was having dinner at a restaurant all by myself due to business travel. I collected myself just in time. I am so glad everything went well and you all had a wonderful time.

  4. So happy the wedding was lovely and the weather cooperated. Congratulations to your DD and SIL. Wishing them every happiness.

    1. Thank you. They are a great couple. Good heads on their shoulders.

  5. I cried a bit, reading about the family of the sister who died. It sounds like everything went off without a hitch.

  6. m not a fan of big weddings. I thought your daughter's wedding sounded ideal.

    1. me neither. It was the perfect size (and budget!)

  7. That was a lovely gesture of your husband to go over to your daughter's FIL and hug him. And it sounds like a beautiful, simple wedding. Hope we get to see the photos!

    1. it was very sweet of him. Sorry, since I've always been anonymous with my blog, I don't want to post any photos of them.

  8. What a perfect day and a special way to pay tribute to the sister who passed away.

    1. it was a very special day. I can't wait to see all their pictures the friends took.

  9. Sounds like a beautiful wedding.
    I like the small & personal aspect. Perfect!!

    1. it was perfect. Just about everyone commented how nice it was not to have a big wedding

  10. I'm glad it all went well and your mom was able to go and it was the wedding THEY wanted! Congratulations to the new married couple. May they have many many happy years ahead of them!

    1. I'm really glad she made it, though wish I could have visited with her longer.

  11. What a wonderful wedding and so poignant, too; I have tears in my eyes after reading about it, especially when your DH comforted the father who had lost his daughter. Very kind of him to have done that. I wish your daughter every happiness in her married life.
