Tuesday, July 2, 2019

To tv or not tv

Not having "regular" live tv is still in the testing stages. I'm not sure it's going to work for us. While the majority of what we watch is news in the evenings (which I can get without adding a subscription service), we are finding some times we'd just like to be able to turn on the tv, flip through the channels and see what's on/find something to watch. Plus, I'd like to be able to watch some of the shows on the main networks (abc/nbc/cbs, etc).

The subscription services for live tv are now getting up into the price range of cable and satellite plans. But, they are still cheaper. For $45/mo I could do Hulu Live and get all the local network channels, as well as everything else we like to watch. Still cheaper than the $80+ dollars a month I was spending on satellite before.

I'm going to resist the urge for now. Especially since it's summer and it's all reruns, anyway. I need to find a couple of shows DH would like to watch on Netflix or Amazon and DH and I could start watching season(s) of those to keep us entertained when we don't feel like watching news. Mostly, we don't watch news on the weekend evenings. Or I need to get a list of movies going, that I think he might enjoy and we can watch one of those, rather than us sitting there with me scrolling through Netflix, trying to find us a movie.

We got another wall "art" hung. This was in the guest 1/2 bathroom. I had bought this several months ago. It looked better in the picture from the online store, LOL. But, I like the message

I also put some leftover "greenery" I have, up above the pantry and cupboards

The excavating guys finished around noon yesterday. DH figured he was going to have to pay them for a half day/4hr minimum anyway, so might as well use them! He also had them prepare the back yard (facing the river) a bit, so we can plant grass seed. And he had them do a bit out front, where we will also be putting grass. It all looks much nicer and more finished now.

Then he decided to "rest" the rest of the afternoon and went to see his wood worker friend. He sends me this picture of a view from way up higher in the mountains. I'm like you are not at his house, LOL. No, he went to the guys house, who lives up on the top of the mountain straight over us. Woodworker is there building them a bar and countertop. If they walk out aways, they can look down the cliff and see our house. Nice view! haha! It was nice to have him away from the house for a bit, too and good for him.

Later this morning I have a phone conference/webinar to "attend" for about an hour and a half. To start the implementation process to the new payroll/HR company. 


  1. I like the decor. Very pretty. Other than Amazon Prime, we don't have any "paid" TV. Can't say that I've missed it. If there is something I want to see, I can watch it at work. Lol I think it's great that you dh is making some new friends.

    Now that you've been in your house for a few weeks, is there anything you might have done differently? Just curious as I've often heard this happens.

    1. Thank you. We've talked about that, if there was anything, so far, we'd change. I think the door to the guest 1/2 bath should have been a wider/normal width door. It's narrow like the closet door next to it, so makes it look like a closet is there. Also, after we got the bar countertop on, we realized the framer goofed and made the bar too high when he built the pony wall! It's about 2 inches too high, which of course you can kind of tell when you are sitting at one of the bar stools. Not terribly messed up, but it's a mistake. He built the wall to the height a bar countertop should be, but didn't take into account thickness of the countertop.

  2. Nice kitchen! We have antenna in our attic that gives us local channels, abc, nbc, cbs, fox and we watch Netflix, Amazon Prime and Hulu (for HGTV and History channels). Our internet is $55, Netflix $12, Amazon Prime $11 ($129/12) and Hulu like $8? for a total of $85. In the city we had cable and it was $180 - $225. I find that since the shows are not "live, streaming", we plan our viewing as an activity and enjoy more shows together rather than DH just having TV on all the time in the background, which I really prefer. We find we go outside more and read more. Winter, we just ramp it up a bit and watch movies in afternoons sometimes cause we are inside more.

    1. I looked into trying to use an antenna for local channels, but we can't get them with that. Too far away from the city, as well as too many mountains in the way. It's either satellite or streaming via internet. We had Dish before, when we lived in town and were paying $83 mo. I don't count internet cost as part of my tv cost, as I would have internet even if I didn't want tv. So far Netlfix has been from my DD giving me gift cards for gifts. She and I share a Prime account, so that is $65 a year for me, not too bad.

  3. I just use an antenna and get few things. I don't get NBC, my favorite. But, this is all free since I have had the antenna for about ten years. I don't see the last picture, the one he sent you.

    1. Hi, 'm not sure which picture you are referring to? Above I just posted a pic of a bathroom and kitchen. But, I just woke up and haven't finished my cup of coffee yet, haha.

    2. You said that DH sent you the picture of the way up high mountain view, I think it seems as if that pic was also included in this post! :)

    3. ok, I've had enough coffee now, haha. It was a picture he sent me in a text and I didn't save it to post.
