Sunday, July 14, 2019

Saturday stuff

Welp, the new google wi-fi system has just made our internet worse, overall. DH's computer is so slow. It's still on wi-fi, as they weren't able to hardwire it, like they did my computer. Sometimes he can browse fine, half the time he will click on one of his "favorites" and nothing happens, it's not even thinking/trying to load. Click one or two more times and it finally loads. Click on a link to another page or website and same thing. He's so frustrated. At least with our old set up, his computer worked fine on wi-fi. Internet out in the shop is still off and on. I walked out there one time, to get my clothes out of the dryer and noticed the google device light was red, meaning it's not working. I opened the app I now have on my phone for the system, and it said the whole wi-fi system was down. A minute later it all came back on.  It did it again, for a minute, later on, I noticed.

I really hate spending $250 for something that isn't working! I guess on Monday I'm going to call our phone company and tell them they need to help me figure out how to get working, stable internet again. It worked fine the whole time we lived in the shop. I'm guessing we will need to upgrade to one of their faster/more bandwidth plans. Looking online at their bundle offerings, the plan I am on works best with like 4 devices on it. While in the shop we had 4-5 (dh rarely had his ipad mini on). Now, in the house, the hvac system in on wi-fi, as well as the Amazon Firestick for the tv. I'm not sure if the 3 google devices now count as devices, too. I'm hoping that is really all the issue is.

We also think that putting the telephone co's router/modem inside the media panel box (in the wall) in the garage is a bad idea. First off, the box is running, generates heat and has vents. It needs space around it to keep cooled down (and this I also read on a "what not to do with your router" found in a google search). I'm sure when the phone co get out here (which will probably be weeks) they will say that's a no.

The weather was crazy all day yesterday. Woke up to thunder and lighting. Then it would be nice and sunny. Then back to thunder. Then rain. We were planning to go outside in the morning (while it was still cool) and pull weeds, but had to wait until noon. We got it done, though. We're trying to get to our big pile of topsoil on the side of our property (from when they moved all the dirt during site work). It was covered in weeds and tall grasses. After we got most of the weeds pulled out (and from around the dirt pile) DH weedwacked the tall grass growing on it all down. At least it looks better. DH is estimating probably 75 yards of topsoil is there....but it needs to be screened. Not sure how we are going to do that, yet. He did order a used tow hitch off ebay for the quad (a 1995, so I guess can't by new for it) and the plan is to borrow a friends drag to hook onto it and drag the areas we want to grass seed and try to get as much of the rocks out as we can. It's just too much to rake all by hand.

Dinner was steak and some corn on the cob. I love corn on the cob and that's the first we've had this summer. Then DH watched Nascar and I sat there and read.


  1. I would insist on earlier fix date. In the end, ask them how much of a credit you get for non-service, not being able to work, and generally a hassle. I would point out many times that it worked before.

    1. Unfortunately, small town and getting them out here from the city, where they are based, isn't the fastest thing. But, I am going to insist they get this figured out. When the tech was here, he kind of blew me off, as far as when I said we needed internet in the shop. Just said "get a wi-fi extender". Tried that, didn't work. Now, due to electrician, we have a different, even more expensive wi-fi system and that isn't working either. Time for the tele co to step up and figure it out what we need to make this work right, again.

  2. The lack of internet would be a real frustration, I'm sure. I hope you are able to get it fixed and it will work reliably, after that! Good luck!

    1. It is frustrating, especially for some reason it's affecting DH's devices more than mine. Strange.

  3. I have found the less things surrounding a modem/router the better. They are very picky and delicate and they need space around their immediate surroundings. I hope the phone co. can solve the problem.

    1. it sure does seem an odd place that they put the modem/router
