Monday, July 22, 2019

Long post Monday

For some reason I thought I had made a post on Saturday, but I guess not.

Saturday morning I went to the city and shopped for groceries. I also stopped in Lowe's and picked up another hummingbird feeder that was only $5. I didn't do the Walmart grocery pick up, this time. DH was fussing about it, because they keep substituting bread (and different each time) and he really didn't like this last bread substitution I accepted last time. So, I just went shopping at the other (nicer) grocery store, that we've been shopping at all the time. Then I was ticked because so many of their prices are so much higher than Walmart! And they didn't have the bread in stock he likes best (honey wheat) either! And the 2nd choice (7 grain) was $5.29 a loaf. Geez! it's *only $4.99 at our little store in town (and I think that is high). I grumbled about it to DH and he said, well, shop there I guess, just don't take the bread substitution unless it's one we already know I like.  Plus, it's so much nicer to just pull up and have the shopping already done for you.

We really like the layout of where we park our car in the garage, next to the laundry room door. DH can just haul groceries through the laundry room and then right into the kitchen and set them down. At our little house we had in town, it was park in the driveway, and then bring the stuff through the front door and to the other side of the house, where the kitchen was. This house has much better flow.

We sold 2 of our items listed on the Facebook page. The big carpet roll for $25 and the mini fridge for $20. Had several messages about the couch, but no sale. DH did some more organizing and unloaded this big wood box w/lid that had a bunch of garden pots and stuff in it. I listed that for free yesterday and someone already came and picked it up this morning. One more thing gone, which is good. Otherwise DH was just going to burn it one of these days. He had gotten it from our neighbor across the street, when we lived in town. Something had been shipped to him in it and he had no need for it. DH did message him yesterday, to ask if by chance he wanted it back, but he never replied, so we figured he didn't want it (since he didn't want it in the first place, LOL). So, I listed it and someone came and picked it up this morning. Then old neighbor texted he'd take it. DH texted back that is was gone and he needed to get up earlier to get on things.....which is funny because this guy already gets up at like 5am, haha.

I also received an email this morning from my side job. They are having their 10 year anniversary party and giving out small bonus's for it. I am getting $250, so that is very nice. I think I'm might put it towards new dining room chairs. I just can't decide which chairs to get. I found 2 on Ashley furniture website I like. Of course the one's I like a little bit better are $135 more, for all 6 chairs, than the other ones. The other ones would cost $324 total, the higher priced ones would be $459. They are both very similar, though.

So far, our wi-fi is working good. I'm thinking that little delay DH experienced shortly after it all got fixed and he got online was just the website being slow. We've been on this fixed wi-fi since last Wednesday now and he hasn't complained any more. The firestick is much faster to get through the menu, but I'm sure it's due to the fact that it's a newer version, because it was very slow, even before the electricians hooked this up and got the wi-fi messed up. Before it was taking me literally several minutes to load the screens and get through the menu to the show we wanted to watch. Now it's much faster. And it hasn't lost wi-fi signal every so often, like it was before (and then another 5 minutes getting back to the show).

Our neighbors continue the B&B summer. Now it's their other daughter and a friend, staying almost a week. Next weekend they are hosting a bunch more people for a reunion. We will be gone next weekend, so that is probably good, haha. DH was annoyed yesterday - the evening before all their dogs came running over to say hello (common) when they let them out of their fenced area. DH had the garage door open. He didn't realize they peed on 3 of the 4 corners of the car we have in their that has a car cover on it. So, pee on the garage floor and pee on the car cover. I had to clean all that off yesterday. He loves those dogs, but geez.

Saturday afternoon one of DH's friends stopped by for a visit, so after I visited too, with him a bit, I left them outside and went in and got to cleaning. It was time to mop the flooring again. My new toilet brushes from Kohls (mostly used Kohl's cash) came Friday. I can see why they were quite a bit more money than the cheaper one's I've seen. Very heavy, sturdy bronze metal. We had a later lunch, so just ended up having a very light dinner.

Yesterday, DH worked on organizing stuff that was still outside. I vacuumed the inside. We were sitting on the back patio taking a break, when another friend stopped by for a visit. He said he rang the doorbell (which of course we didn't hear) and thought maybe they are out in the back, so he found us, LOL. Dinner was hamburgers and corn on the cob. 

Our friend from back "home" is still trying to find/buy a place over in this area. Not surprisingly (to us anyway) the low ball offer he made on a place about 90 minutes or so from us, got turned down. They didn't even counter, which isn't surprising. He offered them half what they were asking. I guess he's made 2 higher offers and they keep saying no.

I'm trying to make a list of what we need to pack to go to DD's wedding. Amazing how much crap we need, just for a few days!


  1. That would be so annoying having the neighbours' dogs pee at your place. I fenced in the front of my garden but the back is open - and I like it that way. Trouble is, several neighbours' dogs come and crap in my garden on a regular basis! I don't say anything though as my neighbours are nice and put up with a helluva a lot when my ex was still living here (screeching away at 2-3 a.m. while pranging away on his guitar) so I figure I owe them. I just keep a separate bucket and shovel for shit shoveling!!!!

    1. We do plan on getting a fence put up, but the dang huge overage on the house insulation took our money set aside for the fence. We (and they) do both end up scooping poop on our properties, from all our dogs, so that we understand, (though we are outnumbered 5 to 2 LOL) but not to just come in the garage and pee like that. Hopefully we can get the fence put up sooner rather than later and take care of the problem.

  2. The dogs peeing in my garage would not make me happy at all. I can put up with random pee and poop outside but not inside.

    1. for sure...and as soon as one pees, the others gotta do their mark (3 of their 5 dogs are male)
