Monday, July 8, 2019

Where'd the peace and quiet go?

It's been so nice not having any contractors here any more. We aren't quite sure what the normally quiet neighbors have going on this summer. It kind of seems like maybe everyone is taking advantage of their good nature and hospitality. Did I mention they will now have their son's 2 dogs for another several months? They mentioned a few weeks ago (when we signed for their big wine delivery) that they were going to be hosting a niece's wedding reception and would have people coming and going, for what sounded like, at most, a couple weeks. Last week was the 2nd week of it, so we thought maybe the reception was this weekend, but it wasn't. Then I re-read a recent email from neighbor and it's at least another week away and another week after that of comings and goings (almost 4 weeks total, then). Right now they have someone camping next to their house, until tomorrow, and then he said "round 2" will be arriving Friday.

So, I'm kind of thinking this can't all be wedding reception related. Who travels from out of the area to a wedding, 2-3 weeks before? haha. I think this is mostly just different summer travelers using their place as a stop for a couple/few days, in addition to those that will come for the wedding. I think the guy with the fishing boat parked it there last summer, for like 2 days. I'm guessing this year he thought he could just extend it...and camp... and and tell another friend with a boat.....until neighbors told him sorry, no more.

Basically, it appears they are a guest house/camping spot/boat parking spot, this summer. I asked DH if they had this going on last summer, because he was here everyday while the shop was being built, and he said no, they just had that guy with the boat for like 2 days, is all.

Which, all this comings and going (while neighbors continue to go to work weekdays), is stressing out their 5 dogs, so they are back to barking a whole bunch. Not enjoying that at 5:30am. Most of the time they bark after they leave for work, or leave somewhere on the weekends (which is often), then add in the guests coming and going (plus the one's here, are coming and going, while they are staying), which adds to the barkfest. Plus, neighbor has to go out of town on another business trip for 3 days this week, so that always upsets the dogs and adds to their stress/barking. And then add in that the river is starting to see it's normal activity of fishing boats and floaters going by every so often, and their son's dog has to start barking at that, which gets their other dogs barking. Then 2 joggers just ran by on the main road out front....gotta bark at that.  Their guests (who also bring dogs!) gotta take their dog for a walk, so they bark at them coming and going. LOL. Then another fishing boat rowing by, gotta bark at them. Meanwhile, our 2 dogs just hang out, not uttering a peep at all this same stuff going on.

Like DH said to me, WE are the ones basically living with their dogs. They aren't here 12 hours a day and usually off doing stuff, most weekend days, too. They aren't here and having to listen to it go on all day long. When DH was chatting with them the other evening, neighbor lady asked DH like 2 times if all the contractors were done here. After she asked the second time, DH was kind of like ya, the mason was the last guy and he finished up like 3 weeks ago....DH knows that her husband does not like it at all that the dogs bark (and he now works from home some of the time, so he's hearing it more than she does) and we have a feeling she was trying to blame their dogs barking and upset-ness on contractors being over here. The mason guy was done on June 12th, almost a month now....

I emailed them this morning asking if it would be possible for them to try their bark collars again, while all this is going on. They've used them in the past, with success. I hate being like that, but dang. We sure wouldn't expect neighbors to listen to that, all the time. That is why we decided not to even put in a dog door. Because if our dogs were barking while we were gone, we'd feel too bad.

Our two mutts, just chilling and relaxing on the back patio today (take from my office window)


  1. I LOVE dogs. But, all that
    barking would drive me nutz!!
    I don't blame you one bit for requesting they try the bark collars.
    I don't think there's much you can do about all their traffic in & out. They are lucky your doggies aren't barkers. Your doggies are loving their new digs. :)

    1. We love dogs too! and love their dogs (who often come straight over to visit us when they get let out of their run), but yes, 5 dogs barking is too much on a regular basis. Nothing we can do about all their visitors traffic - just being into the 3rd week of it, starting to feel like we live next door to a B&B/campground/dog boarding place, LOL.

  2. The camper pulled out early this afternoon (though neighbor had said they were staying thru tomorrow). DH said maybe they got tired of listening to the dogs bark, HAHA!

  3. I think you can do something about the continual access to their place as a camping place. I would ask them if they could supply bark collars for all the dogs. Can you point out you paid good money to be in a peaceful and quiet place? Dogs can be trained NOT to bark at every leaf that moves. I would go bananas. My back neighbors moved from the country, put up a privacy fence and moved in with seven huge, barking dogs accustomed to the open fields of the country, brought to the city because these two people in late seventies were afraid of the city. I had to yell at anyone who came with me into my backyard because all seven dogs hit the privacy fence, snarling and barking. I had a few words with them and they moved the next week. Yes, I had to yell to be heard over the dogs because they did not obey and sit or be quiet.

    1. I did sent them an email yesterday asking if they could try using the bark collars again. They replied back that they are sorry and will put them on, but they only have two collars, so will for sure put one on the main barker and one of the others. This morning all has been very quiet, but that could be because neighbor guy is home. Some days he works from home and then they are calm. We can deal with some temporary guests (though this has been a bit much) but then add in the constant barking to the equation and it's all too much.

  4. All that barking would drive me nuts. Can't blame you for sending them an email requesting they try and do something about it. I just received a free bark collar for an Amazon review ~ let me know if you want it. Lol Funny thing is that I signed up for this to give to my neighbor. I didn't know that only a few days beforehand she bought one for her dog that constantly jumps on people. At least I can say the collar works!

  5. Also meant to add, nice view of your house and the pups! So peaceful...minus the barking!

    1. thanks for the offer! I think the collars they have (and now using!) are working. We'll know more tomorrow, when I know Mr. will be gone, for sure. The view is so nice. I just love it.
