Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Jury duty and enjoyable things

Looks like I'm going to be on jury duty call. DH was on it for a year (or maybe it ended up being 2 years) but never got called in. It's a year long thing here. Hopefully, I won't get called in either. I received the questionnaire form to fill in and mail back. I don't think much at all ever ends up going to a jury trial in this small county. I think they only have court one day a week, so if there is anything, it's most likely a one day at a time thing. Funny, we met the "justice of the court" at a 4th of July BBQ we went to. I would not have guessed him to be a judge, LOL.  When we were looking at places to move over here, DH would look all over online. There was a place for sale in the neighborhood this guy lives in. It's a "loop" road, with lots of pasture land and houses spread out along it, on acreages. DH would do a google map view and check out the surrounding homes. He said nope on that house for sale. A super junky neighbor across the street. We were trying to get away from junky neighbors! At the BBQ we were chatting with him and some others - turns out his is the junky place, LOL. I don't think he and his wife own it. It's like 80 acres, registered to someone else, with 3 homes (all junk) on it and back behind some trees is a huge junkyard of cars. No thank you!

The place for sale was across the street, to the right of this picture, when we were first looking to move here. Then DH looked at the google earth view and said, nope!

Three of my favorite pages on Facebook (and/or Instagram): Mike Rowe's mom Peggy, About my Mother page, UPS Dogs, and Max the Floofy Bear.  Mike Rowe's (from Dirty Jobs, etc) mother is a joy to read her posts. She always makes me smile and laugh. And she's proof you are never too old to follow a dream. She wrote a book in her 80's that became a best seller. UPS Dogs has lots of cute pictures, but the highlight is when UPS Driver Scott, from Newberg, Oregon posts pics and a little story to go with it. He's very creative and a great writer.  And third, Max is an adorable long coat German Shepherd who's owner makes cute videos and captions them in Max's "voice".

In other entertainment avenues, still reading and still watching some shows, when I get time. I've been watching Madam Secretary's latest season on Netflix. I see that on August 1st they will finally have Season 11 of Heartland on. I still have 4 months left on the Netflix giftcard DD gave me. That gets me through to Thanksgiving. Almost to Christmas, when she can give me another giftcard :)

We had quite the lightning show last night around 11pm. It was all happening straight across from the back of our house, so quite the view out all the windows.


  1. Junky neighbors that are quiet and stay in their yards, control their dogs and kids and do not do drugs are preferable to houses with problems.

    1. We rather we took our chances on a neighborhood with nice homes, covenants and neighbors who take care of their home and property then take a chance living next door to another junkyard. This one was a doozy!. I'll have to add a pic of the area up in the post.

  2. I love a good lightning storm. A lot of times when one rolls up TheHub and I sit on the screened porch and enjoy them until they are almost overhead. Enjoying them and stupidity are two different things though!

    1. it was pretty neat to watch....from the inside, LOL.

  3. Wow, one year seems a long time to have to be available for jury duty! Here, it is for one week - you have to call in every day during that week and can be called in any day, even the last day. Once you are called in and selected, then, you have to serve the duration of the trial. If you are not selected, then, you are excused and won't be called in for at least the rest of the year by that court.

    1. When DH got his notice a couple years ago and I saw it was for a year, I was like no way! LOL. Like you, where we came from before was only for a week or two. But, this county only has about 4000 residents, which some of those are children and I'm sure there are lots not even registered to vote, so the pool is probably pretty minimal.

  4. Thank goodness for google earth eh! When my ex and I came to visit this house it was really foggy so we couldn't see anything outside. Came back 2 days later and signed (we were always like that - impetuous/stupid?). A week later we decided to ride back over in the daylight and we heard a train go past nearby. I asked ex if he had noticed the railway line and he said no - turns out's ok as it's a little local line and they can't go fast anyway as the trains have to do a complete U-turn about 2 km from here into the bend in the mountain. Honestly, there could have been an abattoir behind the house for all we knew!!! But, we were lucky - turned out to be a dairy farm which they cannot build on, full of cows and cowbells. But that was a close call to be honest. I'm older and wiser now but that should be a good selling point if I ever decide to sell!

    1. When DH was looking online he was trying to stay way away from the train tracks that go through all this area. He was convinced he'd hate it. But, the tracks basically follow the river, so hard to get away from! Then when we were looking at a different lot for sale on the river, the train rumbled by, up on the tress on the other side of the river. At the same time we both turned to each other and said "I like that!". Ha ah. So, we do have the train right across from us here, too, but you can't even see it thru the trees and can sorta hear it, but it's a nice sound, to me. In town, though was different. 3 stops and 12 whistles every time it went through, all day and night.

  5. Junky neighbors? No thank you! Glad, you found a better spot. Sounds like you are enjoying your new home and new life after being in a tight space in the shop.

    1. I agree! We did our homework to find this spot. We'd already had our experience with several junky neighbors and they were neither quiet nor nice to look at.

  6. I love your rain chain (earlier post) and am glad you are getting the wifi figured out. We have a train going through our small little town, we are on opposite end of town. One day we heard a weird train horn that sounded like a donkey and realized the train horn was malfunctioning. It was pretty funny. If you think about it, a train horn has several different tones sounded at the same time (listen next time you hear one). We were hearing only 2, a single town at a time - the higher one followed by the lower tone, so it really did sound sad. HAHAHA

    1. that's funny. At the crossings, we would hear 2 longs, a short and a long. DH found out that is the way they have to sound the whistles when approaching crossings. There were 3 next to town, so it was 12 total whistles pretty close together. Now the nearest crossing is over a mile away, so we barely hear it.
