Friday, July 12, 2019

Stinky dogs and what not

I need to buy a couple toilet brushes/holders. I had seen some at Ross last month that were what I was looking for, but I didn't buy them. I think they were like $10. Well, Target's cheapest similar are $20. I just earned $30 in Kohl's cash, from buying DH some new duds to wear to dd's wedding, so thought I'd get 2 from there. Well, not at $30 each! When I was at Ross last week, I decided to get them and then of course, they didn't have any left in stock. I want the bronze colored ones. So, I just checked Amazon and of course, much cheaper through there. I can get a 2 pack one for $18. These are just for the 2 bathrooms that won't get used much, so I don't need anything really super-duty.

M-Turks has been a real struggle to find hits the past couple of weeks. Then I took off Thurs, Friday and Monday. My balance is looking pathetic. I'll have to try to find some this weekend, to help make up for it.

My boss and I are going through the transition to the new payroll company. So far, it's been a good experience. The company is very organized and they are making it a smooth process. Right now we are working on benefits, as this was also our annual enrollment time with our old company, so we need to get everyone signed up with the new benefits in the next couple of weeks. Then we will doing our first payroll with them in mid August. The few people we have that are hourly will "clock in" via their computers now, so that should save them time filling out our manual timecard, we've always done, and me not having to collect/add up hours to enter.

Well, that was just a fun "break" I just had to take. The long haired black dog rolled in poop - over every inch he could manage to get it. Smelled like horse or cow poop (though there aren't any nearby), so DH sprayed him off as much of it as possible outside with the hose and then I brought him into the doggy wash and got the rest. Ugh. Then DH realized the other dog rolled in it around his neck, so he got a bath, too. Our mason guy is here finishing up the rock work on the gate piers, he says it's bear poop. Which has to mean a bear went through here pretty close to home, as our dogs never go any farther than the 2 properties on each side of us. Could have been worse I guess, could have gotten sprayed by a skunk, LOL.

I'm still on the fence about the "new" internet network. It is a little better out in the shop, but you can be standing in the bathroom/laundry room and all working fine and it will suddenly switch over to LTE on the phone. Or it's working fine and you walk out the bathroom and around the corner, literally 3 feet from the router device and it switches to LTE. At least it's switching to LTE.......I guess. Before DH's phone wouldn't switch - just tried to stay on wi-fi and not work.  I'm not sure it was worth $263 (for the google system and some cabling) to change from what we had. My computer is hardwired into the router/modem now, but this morning it still froze up on me, like it's been doing 2-3 times a day, which I thought maybe was a wi-fi issue. We may have to consider going to the upgraded internet package with our phone company. I'm going to have to keep a close eye on our phone data usage, to make sure we're not going over, if DH's phone is using LTE out there more than not.

It kind of doesn't make sense to me. When we had our telephone company router/modem in the shop (same spot) everything worked fine. This little google device is hardwired directly to the modem/router (now in the house garage next door), so you'd think it would be the same situation, but I guess it must lose some of it's signal strength. I tried to read up some on having these google wi-fi devices hardwired, but some of it's a bit techy for me.

DH just went for a drive with the woodworker guy. That'll be good for him. Something relaxing for him to do for a couple hours or so.

DD and her fiance went shopping the other night in search of a white button down shirt and a brown vest for fiance. They weren't having much luck. Men's Warehouse said they had them, but the small store nearest them was more like a little rental shop, so no luck there.  The place wanted $120 for a plain white shirt! They drove almost an hour to the next one and got lucky. The vest was regularly $95 on clearance for $30. I think she picked up a white shirt at Kohl's for reasonable price.


  1. Oooohhhh bear poop. And I used to be disgusted when my dog rolled in fox crap. Poor you!

  2. But, a skunk would not endanger dogs and people. Keep car doors locked because bears can open them.

    1. Very true, but both are around here, so I'll take cleaning off the bear poop vs. trying to get rid of skunk smell haha :)

    2. oh, and I now get to park inside a garage! yay!!

  3. Yuck on the bear poop. The bears you see in your area are much bigger than the black ones we have. I'll take a wild guess and say their poo is probably much larger too! Lol

    Good of your daughter to pay attention to prices! No way would I pay $120 for a plain white shirt. That is crazy!

    1. I always get confused what bears are, brown, grizzly and two of those are supposedly same, haha, but I always forget which two.
