Thursday, July 25, 2019

Almost wedding time

Last evening was the cutest thing. Our neighbor down at the end of the street was walking with her 2 year old while he "rode" his little bike. He told her he wanted to see Dh and pet the puppies. He's very afraid of dogs, but the little guy sure is trying. I let one of the dogs out, but he got a little scared of him, plus he heard the other neighbors dogs barking, so that scared him. He sure is talking a bunch now - so cute! When they left he said bye to DH by name....not me, I'm just chopped liver to him, LOL.

We are leaving tomorrow morning, for DD's wedding on Saturday. Then coming back home on Sunday. So far my mom and her BF are still coming. I'm really glad I sent him that email. If they can (a couple times a month) go to retiree luncheons, with an hour or more drive, several hours of lunch and a drive back, they can do this little trip. We are trying to take the minimum amount of stuff, but with 2 big dogs and stuff I don't know how we are going to fit this all in my little suv car. The dogs just won't have much room to move.

Our other neighbors just emailed and asked if we need them to do anything while we are gone. That was nice. I told them, nothing I can think of, but......Dh asked if he could put in our yard while we are gone, that would be great. LOL!!!

Well, I'm off and the blog will be quiet for a few days. I'll catch back up on Monday.


  1. Wow, so close to your daughter's wedding! How exciting! My best wishes to the bride and groom and to you, too! Have a safe trip and enjoy the wedding. Hope your mom is able to make it, too. Looking forward to hearing about it, when you come back. :)

  2. Have a wonderful time and best wishes to the bride and groom on their very special day!

  3. I wish the bride and groom tons and tons of happiness, health and wealth! Congrats to all your family! I hope you have lots of fun and enjoy your time with family.

  4. I am glad your mother is going to be able to make it. Where are you going to stay that two dogs are welcome? Be safe. I hope all turns out well at the wedding. Will you post pictures for us?

    1. We are renting a camper trailer for the weekend, from someone nearby the place where DD is camping/holding the wedding. Found them on a rv/camper rental website, where people rent out their rv's, kind of like airbnb, but for campers :)

  5. It sounds like you are going to have an exciting & fun weekend. I hope your Mom makes it there ok.
    Best wishes to the Bride and Groom!!

  6. Have a happy time enjoying your family milestone!

  7. How exciting, can't wait to see the pictures. Have a lovely time!
