Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Mid week happenings

DH's new buddy, the woodworker guy, called DH yesterday. He has two neighbor ladies who are interested in getting the extra pallets we have. DH had offered them to woodworker guy (he had taken some earlier) but he didn't need anymore, but found out these ladies could use them. He came over and picked them up for them and visited outside with DH quite awhile. Our mason guy took his info and some pictures of our bar and the little coffee table he made. He wants to have a bar countertop made by him, now.  He also really liked the little coffee table, too. Woodworker guy lives on a small fixed social security income, so if he can make extra off his woodworking, that helps him.

Yesterday was another phone meeting with our new payroll/HR company. This time was with the payroll set up person on how we'd be setting up our clocking in, etc. We only have 7 employees who are hourly, so not a huge deal, but they have never had to clock in before. We just do manual timecards, so this will be an adjustment for them. And me. Because for some reason I have always been hourly, which I have never really understood. I mean I get that I don't supervise anyone, so ya, hourly. But we have lots of "professional" type workers (quotes, proj. mgrs, etc, even customer service) that don't supervise anyone and they are salaried. I guess I've never understood the distinction between how they decide who is hourly vs. salary. So, this morning as I'm getting myself ready I'm thinking, ugh, what a pain this is going to be to clock in and out. I work a pretty flexible schedule and sometimes I work more than 40 hours (not much) but I always just put 40 hours on my timesheet. I don't track it that close, and we aren't really supposed to have OT, unless it's pre approved. Then this morning my boss emailed me and said thinking of just changing you to salary, would that be ok with you? I said YES! so much easier, LOL.

Watching the hummingbirds is enjoyable, especially now with the 2nd feeder. It's a hanging feeder, but solid on the base, so I just set it next to the other one on our flat area where the stone surrounds the post on the patio, about 3 ft high. DH will pick it up and stand there with it. Last night he had 4 or 5 buzzing around him and trying to drink from it.  He said one almost landed on his thumb.

I did a price comparison with my grocery store receipt compared to Walmart grocery prices. It was at least $30 higher......but then I realized I forgot to put in my phone# to get all the lower prices for the Just4You deals at the grocery store! Dumb dumb dumb. I have never forgotten to do that before, not sure why I did this time. But, even so, for example the bread was not on sale and it was $2.51 a loaf higher than same bread at Walmart and I had bought 3 loaves. I'm going back to doing the Walmart grocery pick up. Save money and time. It's a no brainer. If they have to substitute for bread, then I'll just not accept it and go to another store for a quick trip inside for bread. Still saving time overall. $40-$60 a month savings is nothing to sneeze at.  DH needs new jeans, all his are worn and getting holes. I said that extra $30 the groceries just cost me could have bought almost 2 pair of jeans! (he wears Wrangler jeans). He got the point. Plus, with me just being able to drive up and pick it all up, he doesn't need to go with me to help. Win for me, too, LOL.  I noticed when I was at Target that they are setting up some parking spaces now for order pick up. They have order pick up, but you have to go inside to the customer service counter to pick up your order. I've done it several times, but having them bring out to you will be nice, too, like Walmart does.

Not much else going on today. I had two more phone meetings for payroll. I'll be glad when these are all done, but still going on for a few more weeks, until we at least get through our first payroll with them. Going to start packing a bit for our trip to DD's wedding. Get our clothes ironed and on hangers..and then cover with a garbage bag, haha. So, they don't get covered in dog hair in the back of the car with the dogs.


  1. I love hummingbirds! Being salaried is best for me.

    1. I love them too. I think being salaried will be so much easier. I wasn't looking forward to having to clock in and out all the time.

  2. I often forget to put something on the pickup list or decide last minute I need something not food related so I just run in quickly and go thru select serve for the one thing and then drive over to pickup. I always choose no substitutions for everything.

    1. I've done that a couple of times, too. I can't get the little dessert cups for strawberry shortcake through order pick up, so I park and run in real quick and go thru self checkout, then go park over at the pickup area. I haven't minded the subs, other than the bread. Often, the subs have been same product, just larger size, at same price,
