Monday, June 1, 2015

Plants and more plants

It was a pretty good weekend. I attempted my 2 week grocery shopping. HA! As soon as I was loading up my car with my groceries I knew I didn't buy 2 weeks of water and soda. I wouldn't have had room in my cart anyway for all that, so I guess that will have to be part of my trip for the fresh stuff - and everything else I forgot :P

I spent $175, which includes $14 at KFC....that was not my plan. I had planned to get fried chicken at the store deli, but I walked right on by it and forgot! So while the checker was ringing up all my items (I had a lot) I ran over to the deli to grab some fried chicken and they didn't have any left/made right then. I was really craving fried chicken, it was already dinner time, so I just stopped at KFC. I guess we'll see next weekend, how much more stuff I'll need for week 2. I did stick to my menu so far, though I didn't try the chicken on the bbq. I just put them in the freezer for another time to try.

Saturday morning I knew we both needed something to do. DH had mentioned before he would like a few plants to fill in our area behind the fire pit. Plus, all the ground cover seeds we tried to plant weeks ago never grew, so we still needed something for ground cover under the big trees. I went over to the guy that sells plants out of his driveway/front yard. I got all this (19 plants) for $123.

3 rhododendrons, a pieris, a fetterbush, 14 St. John's Wort, and that little silver/green bush is called a blue ice bog rosemary. All this probably would have cost close to double at a regular store garden center. The blue ice bog rosemary went out in our driveway island, to replace a plant from last year that didn't make it.

Hopefully this St. John's Wort will spread out and fill in nicely under this tree. It will end stay green all year and have yellow flowers all summer/Fall

Not the best picture but 3 rhody's planted in the "park" area. One will have yellow flowers, one pink and one red. Should be very pretty next spring.

Planting all those gave us something to do for a few hours on Saturday. Kept DH busy and when he's busy, he's happier.  Unfortunately, then we didn't have much to do on Sunday (he had already mowed on Friday) so it was a pretty lazy day, plus his muscles were worn out from all the work on Saturday, so it had to be a rest day anyway.  I'm just having trouble getting him to start projects on his own, so he stays busy. Usually he's good about finding stuff to do to keep busy.  Last year he had a list of projects written down.  This summer, not much at all.

I need to get over to Home Depot and just order the pallets of landscaping blocks he wants. That will keep him busy and then we can do the little pond he wants to put in. They will deliver the pallets of blocks, if we order 5, I think.  Our good neighbor wants some too, but when I talked to him about it a few weeks ago he said he wasn't ready yet, as he already spent a bunch of money on stuff for his shop. I'll ask him again, before I order, just in case he's changed his mind. That way he can get them delivered with ours and not have to pay delivery (because he doesn't need 5 pallets)

Well, off to work. DD will be home on Friday for the rest of the summer. I am really excited about that, but I know the summer will go by so fast. It's raining the next few days and I'm kind of glad. Mother nature can water all this and my flowers and give me a break. Plus the lawn is really needing the water. Usually we don't have to water until July, but it's dry already.

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