Saturday, June 13, 2015


This should have been a really nice sunny, peaceful Saturday hanging around outside and working in our garage with the garage doors open.  The whole drug dealing family pulled out this morning and I thought "nice! We'll have a bit of peace and quiet for awhile - no tweakers up and down our little street". Then the neighbors directly in front of us (the one's who ignore it all by putting up a 7 foot fence and pretend nothing is going on around them) decided to let their grandkids drive a quad around their backyard. We have been listening to this loud quad run around their back yard (they have about 1 1/2 acres) for 5 hours straight. I don't know what their backyard looks like (because of the tall fence) but it must be a whole bunch of dirt because the quad has been kicking up a HUGE dust storm. Luckily it's been blowing a bit aways from our direction or our garage would have been filled with dirt dust! The quad riding was only about 75 feet away from our garage doors. A few times the wind did shift and we got a bit of it. By that time I had had enough.

I downloaded a decibel meter app to my phone and went out and stood in the middle of our driveway. 80-90 dB....for 5 straight hours! I went in and tried to call the neighbor, but got her voicemail, so I kindly asked if we could ask a favor of them....could they please spray some water down in the area they are running the quad so it will cut down on the constant dust storm?

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE??!!  I have so had it with the human race. I guess I'm just getting cranky in my old age.  I am seriously ready to just move to a remote location with no neighbors in sight or sound of me.

UPDATE: I go back outside after I type this and DH says they must have gotten your phone message. They've been riding out at the front of their house now. No sooner does he say that and here comes the quad back to the backyard again and kicks up this huge dirt storm - which blows right into our open garage! DH went over to the fence and stood on one of the bottom stringer boards and was tall enough to see over the fence and yelled at them to knock it off! Spray some water down, we are tired of all the dirt! Freaking people. I am so sick of people. Period.


  1. I'm sorry I have to disagree with you on this one - it is their land and it wasn't that they were trying to bother you, I would have been annoyed to get your phone call.

    1. I really felt sorry for the neighbor directly to the south of them, where the wind was blowing most of the day. She likes to work out in her yard and she couldn't. After the 3rd time the wind shifted and blew all the dirt into our open garage, I called and nicely asked if they could spray down their dirt a bit, so us neighbors aren't getting blasted with the dirt dust. I'm not talking a little bit of dust flying through the air. I'm talking dirt clouds so thick you couldn't see their house over their fence and 60 feet in the air - for 6 hours!. Not cool at all. I know they would never do anything to purposely bother their neighbors, but I would also be aware and courteous enough to know if I was doing something that was an annoyance and stop doing it. It's called common sense and common courtesy.

      And thankfully our county/city does have a noise ordinance law that prohibits this kind of ongoing noise in a close neighborhood like ours. Running an engine like that for 6 hours straight does violate it. We had no problem with the kids having some fun for a few hours, but after 6 straight hours of listening to it and getting dusted so bad we could breathe, enough was enough.

    2. You could be annoyed to get the call and it may be their property but it doesn't change the fact that it is totally inconsiderate of one's neighbours.

  2. I would have been so annoyed, too. I don't care that my husband and I act like old fogies (we're in our early 30s) when it comes to our home and neighborhood. Have respect for other neighbors. We get nervous even when our 7 lb dogs bark at night when we take them out to go potty. If we're going to be courteous and respectful we expect the same of other neighbors. I don't think that's too much to ask for.

    1. I agree.. We stop our dogs from barking outside, too, even if they happen to do it during the day! I don't even let them bark at the UPS guy :) Fortunately the county/city we live in doesn't feel that just because a person owns property they can do whatever they want. There are lots of ordinances/laws that restrict what people are allowed to do. We live in neighborhoods, close together. It's not like it's lots of acreage and you can't see/hear your neighbors. These neighbors from yesterday have 10 residences bordering 3 sides of their property and a housing development across the street from the front of their property.

      After the day long deluge of dirt/dust, the property owner was up on top of his hot tub gazebo roof blowing all the dirt off with a leaf blower! that's how much dirt there was flying through the air.

  3. I think you deserve nicer neighbors. I am so worried about you because of the drug traffic and now this? I cannot stand people who have no respect for others. Sending positive vibes your way...
