Friday, June 5, 2015

I'm odd

My company is starting to put us all though some "team building" training. Apparently there are starting to be some issues between a couple of managers and of course that then trickles down to issues between those in their departments.

So, yesterday we all had to get together and do a "fun" exercise. We got into groups of 6 or so and had 15 minutes to find some commonalities we all shared. Prizes for the most in number and for the most unique. So, we sat in a room and threw out suggestions to each other. Some typical things like - do we all like football, etc. I failed the group on a number of ideas (though there were times when I was in the "norm" and one other person wasn't). I was the only one who doesn't drink and doesn't have a tattoo. We did come up with about 20 things we all had in common. We had lots of laughs, but the one that I found most disturbing to me was when someone threw out "does everyone smoke pot?" I was the only one who does not. These are all 30/40 year olds (I was oldest in the group at 51) and one of them was a department manager.  I would have thought maybe half would, half wouldn't?  Two of them have children. One was 48, so almost my age (but married, no kids). One is a lesbian (married), one single/divorced guy, so quite the mix of folks in our group

Then I said "wait - what was the original question? (because everyone had been talking at same time). Was it have you EVER or do you now?  No, it was do you now smoke it.  5 out of 6 do. Yikes.  I guess I am just really out of touch with what most of the population is doing in their free time. I found it kind of sad, really. Even if I had wanted to smoke it all these years, pot, along with alcohol, has never been in my budget! We never had the money for that kind of "entertainment", let alone any desire for it.

I work with an amazing group of people. Everyone works hard and knows their stuff. It just kind of shed a different light on my reality, LOL. I guess I'm just an odd-ball.


  1. Every company I have ever worked at does random drug testing and drug testing if you get hurt on the job so I would never smoke for the fear of losing my job.

  2. I'm odd too! I do not drink, smoke, or have tattoos. I have also never even tried pot. Maybe it is our ages/generation (I'm 54).

  3. I'm 32 YO and have never smoked pot (or any other recreational drugs) or cigerettes in my life. Didn't really try alcohol until out of college. Only afterbeing married for several years did my husband and I start trying different wines and craft beers, but not to get drunk. Now I'm pregnant so no alcohol at all. No tattoos either! Maybe I'm too old for my age!

  4. Don't feel odd or alone... Never smoked pot in my life and never been curious about it. I probably smoked 3 packs of cigarettes all my life. Oh, and I cannot inhale it at all. I enjoy a glass of wine or beer every once in a while but that's it I don't like loosing control so, I never want to drink excessively or smoke pot. I am 48 btw.

  5. Im soon to be 36 and me and my BF have never touched pot nor wanted to..have drank on occasion but not for a few years now as am a type 2 diabetic

  6. I don't think you are odd...I am 35 and have never smoked pot, nor do I want to. I have smoked 1 cigarette in my life and I am not much of a drinker-- I have maybe 4-5 glasses of wine a year. I also do not have a tattoo. If that means I am odd, then so be it and I will just join you in that category :)

  7. Ok, so what I've deduced from all the comments is that pot smokers don't blog! HAHAHHA!
