Wednesday, June 10, 2015

A nice day off

I had a very nice day off yesterday. DD and I got to her college town about 9:30 in the morning (after almost a 3 hour drive). Stopped for some coffee (used my Starbucks gift card) and the guy gave us a free pastry because they had accidentally heated an extra one up and needed to get rid of it. Then we went to the bookstore on campus. DD wanted to see if she could sell some of her books back. She was pleasantly surprised to get $113 out of them. Her final was at 10:30 so she headed off to take that and I headed back to my car to head down to the park for a walk.

I had a leisurely relaxing walk in perfect weather. I ended up walking about 3 miles. I was still waiting for DD to text me she was done with her test (and the park was starting to get crowded) and I drove over to a nearby drugstore to pick up a couple of things I forgot to get while grocery shopping last weekend. When I got back to my car at noon, DD texted me she was all finished and just had to meet up with a girl she was selling one of her textbooks to. She got another $40 for that one.

I picked her up and we headed about an hour back toward the direction of home and stopped in a cute little town who's downtown area was just antique shops and restaurants. We had lunch outside at a cute bakery cafe. It wasn't the best lunch we've had. I didn't realize the sandwich would be toasted and I prefer my bread nice and soft. Then we walked around all the shops. We both realized that we prefer the shops that are kind of set up for home decor style, rather than the actual antique shops that are just filled to the brim with antiques.  I did find this weathered sundial birdbath

I didn't take the picture at a very good angle, but it's a boy fishing.  I still need to find something to use as a base for it. The shop had it setting on this little stone base that was only about 6 inches tall (sold separately) and was too low for me, so I'll be in search of something to set this on that is at least knee high!

It took us 2 hours to get home in afternoon traffic (and that was using the carpool lane - ugh!) and we stopped near home and picked up DH some Arby's for dinner (I had a 2/$5 coupon). I was super tired last night and ended up walking about 4.5 miles for the day. Need more days like that one :)