Thursday, June 4, 2015

The big gift

Once in awhile (like every 5-10 years) we splurge on a big gift.  This year DD and I decided to splurge on DH for a big combined birthday and Father's Day gift, since both fall in June. He has a 1999 pick up truck, bought new in mid 1998.  For years now he has wanted some running board type steps for it. I decided it's finally time he had some (and it would really make life easier getting in and out of that thing as it is a bit raised up and I am not getting any younger and neither is he).

We had no idea what exactly he wanted or even how much they cost. I'm thinking maybe $500 at the most? So, I tell him the other day that that is what DD and I want to give to him as a present, but he'll have to order or go purchase, since we have no clue. Last night he went online to search out the kind he wanted and says " much were you thinking of spending" and I said well, I was hoping in the $500 range. They were about $700 plus $150 shipping! Yikes. Then he searched some more and found them on ebay for $719, including shipping. Well, that's better.....(I said wincing). I told him to send me the link so I could order it.

But, my handy dandy "Price Blink" add-on popped up and said I could find it for $667 with free shipping through another store.  Ok, this is getting better. I clicked on that link, had DH verify that it was still exactly the same parts he wanted and then I did a search for an online coupon code for this store. Came up with several coupon codes - 15%, 10%, 8% off.  I tried the first 2 and they wouldn't work, stating that brand wasn't eligible. I almost gave up but tried the 8% one and it worked. Take another $53.36 off! Free shipping and no sales tax (which I would have had to pay on ebay). Final price was $613 - much closer to my $500 range. I could live with that and DH is good on the splurge gift for another 5 years or so.  I'm not sure how much DD plans to chip in, not too much, but it will help.  And since we are spending a lot less this year on landscaping and no remodel projects, the disposable income is there for this gift.


  1. Wow! I should be making notes about the shopping apps you use to find discount codes and better prices. Great job on a gift to be enjoyed for a long time to come.

    1. Me too! I had no idea running boards cost that much! The only we have ever put them on was a Jeep Wrangler and they are under $200.
