Tuesday, June 2, 2015

My bed is calling me

I made a big splurge yesterday - on shampoo and conditioner! I usually just use Pantene - bought on sale and with coupons, of course. Very cheap, a few times over the years even free. I'm getting low on both shampoo and conditioner and while I was at Target yesterday picking up a prescription I decided to try some new product and see if there is really any difference. $12 and $17 ea! (I don't remember which cost what). $30 - Eek! I have NEVER in my life spent more than a few dollars on shampoo and conditioner. Ever. I just wanted to try it for once. So, I bought some Nexxus. It does smell good :)  The conditioner seemed a lot thicker. The jury is still out as I'm still sitting here with wet hair. I try not to blow dry if I don't have to. While I was in line to pay I remembered I had a $5 Target gift card and also a coupon for an additional 5% off, so I did end up paying around $22.

And today I don't have to blow dry because my nice boss offered me to work from home today. I offered yesterday to work on a project that I know she hasn't had time for and she was very appreciative and seemed relieved to have me take it over. I will spend the day putting together and typing up some procedures and "how-to" explanations for our new expense tracking system for our sales people. Something different to do and I'm looking forward to it. The trick will be to be as concise as possible but still get all the info out there and there is a lot of info to supply. I'm glad I have an iphone now - I can download the app to my phone and now see what our sales people will see and become more familiar with the aspect they will use the most. Well, I assumed I could download the app, but, for some reason my phone will not let me download any apps this morning! I keep trying and nothing. What the heck?!

DH's computer was really having problems last night. Just keeps getting slower and slower. It was like he was on dial up trying to access web pages. I figured he might have a virus (again) and ran 3 different programs, but nothing worked. I tried a few other things (an IT person I am not). This computer is hardwired into our modem. I tested the speed. 60 mbps. Holy cow! that is 3x faster than the rest of us get with wireless. His web surfing should just zip along. Then, of course, he threw a tantrum, and after already working on it for over an hour I lost my temper with him. He has zero clue about what to even try to fix it, so it's ridiculous that he even tries to act like he has an idea, let alone get mad at me. Then I decided to set Firefox back to default settings and that seemed to do the trick, at least for now. It's an old computer and gets a lot of use on it, so it might just be time to replace it. I got on it again this morning and all seems to be working normally, until DH sat down and it's starting to slow down again.

I think I just need to go back to bed today.


  1. I'm pretty dedicated to my Paul Mitchell styling product, but I can go either way when it comes to shampoo/conditioner.

  2. I am a Herbal Essences type of girl, as I am a cheapo!!!
