Tuesday, May 21, 2013

This is getting old...

My tooth problems still won't end. After finishing up the root canal on Thursday the doctor said I might feel some discomfort for up to 2 weeks. The discomfort I was feeling all weekend was up inside my cheek, most noticeable if I smiled and moved my cheek. I just thought it was sore from where they gave me a shot of Novocaine, but Sunday I ran my finger upside my cheek and just there along the gum line (above the tooth that just had the root canal) is a bump that is painful to touch. It had not gone away by yesterday, so I called and left a message at the endodontist's office, describing what was going on. The receptionist called back and said the doctor would call me last night to discuss it. So, I'm thinking - ok- maybe it's not that serious, just something that will go away after the irritation of all the root canal dies down, otherwise they would have just scheduled me to come back. But, after dentist calls and I tell her the exact same thing I said in the message I left, she says I need to come in and she'll have her receptionist call me the next day. Well, duh! It's probably still infected or re-infected or something! Why didn't they just schedule me to come back in the first place? Good grief.  I just made an appointment for a couple of hours from now, so keep your fingers crossed for me it's an easy fix (haha, ya right)


  1. Oh you, poor thing, will it ever end for you?!

  2. I'm sorry to hear this is still going on... hope it's nothing serious! Your ordeal is definitely making me not want to start a dentist appointment any time soon, haha.

  3. It is still infected, but I just need to go on an antibiotic for a week and then she'll recheck it. Whew - I had this scene in my head where she was going to have to go back up into the canals and take out the stuff she packed it with to get at the infection. I can do antibiotics!

  4. Oh no - sorry to hear this root canal nightmare goes on...........but hope the meds work! I'm with you - I absolutely HATE going to the dentist - although my hubby makes me go every 6 mos. Hang in there! Hope your cute pooch is on the mend, too!

  5. There aren't too many things worse than toothache so I hope you get over this soon. Teeth are expensive but I think I'd rather have my teeth than a set of dentures LOL
