Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday this and that updates

I got to work from home again yesterday. Seems like lately, whenever her boss is not in the office, she tells me to have an extra day working from home (last week it was almost all week!). Today is my normal work from home day. I got up and showered a little early as *sometime* today the pest control guy is supposed to come back and re-spray for ants. He came last Thursday and since last Friday we've had ants coming into DS's room. I gave it a week to see if their spraying would start working, but it's not, so back he has to come. I'm a little tired of paying $44 a month for them to come and spray and still have to deal with ants!

Tennis season is winding up. Today is sub-districts. DD and her partner got seeded (out of 18 doubles teams) so they get a bye the first round of today's matches and then play the winner of an un-seeded match. Odds are they should be able to beat this un-seeded team and get to move on to districts tomorrow. Tomorrow is double elimination, I think, so she should get to play quite a bit. She came home from practice yesterday fuming mad - her partner did not get her paperwork signed by a parent so she could attend the sub-districts and districts matches. So, if for some reason she doesn't get it signed and turned in today, they would have to forfeit. I'm sure she'll get it taken care of, but DD doesn't need the stress of worrying about whether she will or not.

DS had his 2nd phone interview - this one with someone who works at the company. He thought it went well (it was quite a long interview, for being over the phone) and he was told he should hear back from the lady who first interviewed him (from the HR/Recruiting company) in the next couple of days. I had advised him if the question came up on how he knew about the opening, to just say that a friend, who knew he was looking for work, suggested he apply. The question didn't come up at all, though, so no problem.

My goal is to stay OUT of fast food/take out places this week! With needing to pay for 1/3 of my dental work, the budget is a bit tight and we have been spending too much in that area. Even just a "let's have Dairy Queen for dessert" costs like $12 a shot. Do that a couple of times a week, along with a couple of times for fast food dinners and it adds up! I'm really trying to plan my grocery list for meals this week and stick to it. Desserts will be strawberry shortcake (DH's favorite) several times and I have a cake mix and frosting to make some cupcakes.

Here's the dinner menu:
Friday - French Dip Sandwiches, with cut up watermelon on the side (we need something quick and easy since we'll be home late from tennis)
Saturday - Lasagne (I have a frozen lasagne in the freezer my mom gave me), french bread, veggie
Sunday - Chicken Fried Steak, mashed potatoes, applesauce or jello
Monday - Eggs and Bacon
Tuesday - Beef Tips and Noodles, crescent rolls, veggie
Wednesday - Hashbrown Cheesy Bacon casserole, rolls and jello
Thursday - DH has his weekly treat of burger/fries - the rest of us will just eat leftovers or whatever sounds good .

Wish me luck!


  1. Your dinners sound soo good! Yum!! We never eat out.. maybe 1-2 times a year and it saves a LOT of $$. I bought the girls fries from McD's yesterday and they were so excited. lol! Hope your son finds something soon! :)

  2. We rarely eat out, just for that reason. Last time the boys & I went to DQ I mistakenly thought it would be CHEAPER than Culver's or McD's. NOT!! Still almost $20 for the 3 of us. Ridiculous!
