Thursday, May 2, 2013

A little yard work in the works

I went to the local nursery yesterday and picked up the plants the owner recommended for the ground cover we want. It was right at my $100 budget so I was happy. I did have to run over to Walmart and pick up a couple of bags of topsoil, but they were less than $3 per bag.  DH and DS got busy and planted them all and here is the result:

Supposedly, by the end of summer, these should be pretty grown/spread out. We ended up with about 7 extra plants, so I put 3 of them in my 3 whiskey barrels, where they will eventually trail over the side, and the other 4 went in a little strip of redrock area next to our garage.
I'm just trying to keep DH busy! I had enough left from this last paycheck that he can finally get the chainsaw he's been wanting for years.

This is the chainsaw project:

A couple of weeks ago DH started trying to clear the brush (you can see on the left, between the 2 big trees, where it's cleared) using the riding mower but that probably was a bad idea and would have eventually broken the mower. They are going to pick up the chainsaw today, so I'm sure soon, the rest off all that brush in between the trees will be gone gone gone. He's always had some need for a chainsaw. Wind storms always tear down big branches every winter and they always need cut up and disposed of.

I haven't planted flowers in the barrels out front yet - even though the weather is great this week - it's typically just not quite warm and dry enough until towards the end of the month and next week could be cold and miserable again. That's usually a Memorial weekend project for me.


  1. Hope the stuff grows quickly!

  2. Good luck with the chainsaw project!

  3. What ground cover did you plant? I need something that is not terribly invasive (vinca is a nightmare) but hopefully smothers weeds somewhat. Any ideas on getting rid of vinca are welcome! Your yard looks great!

    1. Sue, it's called "Creeping Raspberry". From what the gardener told me and what I read it doesn't sound too invasive. It doesn't climb and is supposed to be easily maintained with a trimmer, or whatever you use. Mid summer it gets small white flowers and then some raspberry like fruit. The gardener said they are edible and taste really good. I think I'll like this better than the "Blue Rug Juniper" I was going to put in.

    2. Thank you! I'll check it out.
