Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Still interviewing.....

DS thought his job interview on Monday went well. He was interviewed by a team of 3 and was there for over an hour and a half. The lead interviewer (a supervisor, I think) said they don't usually show the applicant around the office during the first interview, but they did for DS, so that seems like a good sign.  They are having him come back for a second interview next Monday.  So, we await the outcome of all this some more. At least they told him right then that he was getting another interview and when, rather then waiting several days for a call to find out if he even was being invited back for another one.  He looked quite sharp in the new dress clothes he went and got at Kohl's the night before. Some nice gray slacks (that he got on clearance for $18 - 70% off!) and a nice dress shirt. Hair all cut and looking very professional.

They also suggested that in the couple of areas of the position he is not familiar with to do some research online and learn what he can about it between now and then. He's a quick learner when it comes to computer stuff, so I don't think that will pose a problem for him - other than I asked him this morning if he was able to find what he needs to learn about online and he said he hasn't looked yet......that's the way he is, though and I just need to not let it bother me. He'll get it done on his own time.

There is a possibility DD might have a part time summer job where I work! I mentioned to my boss yesterday that she is starting to look for a weekday summer job. Her current job is only on weekends and she wants to find something to do during the week. My boss asked what type of work and I said she would prefer to get into some office type work/experience and she said they may be able to use her in one of our departments to help with a project. So, we are going to keep our fingers crossed for that one also. DD could just come in when I'm in the office 3 days a week (otherwise, she's not driving 38 miles each way for a low paying part-time job, haha.).


  1. Geez! What's this, the 5th one? Just how sure does this company need to be before they hire somebody?

    And I agree with the DD situation... wouldn't make sense to use up the gas twice. Hope they can work the schedule with you. That'd be pretty cool.

    1. Tanner - with the 2 phone interviews it will be the 4th one! It's one of those huge (aprox. 100,000 employees overall) companies that have to go through all the long drawn out steps/protocol when hiring. He's even had to sign NDA's just to interview.

  2. Hoping the DD gets the job! After all of this - they sound pretty interested! Keeping my fingers crossed for him!! Would be GREAT if the daughter could get something where you are and ride in with you! She sounds like a pretty ambitious gal! Good for her!!

  3. That would be so cool to have DD work with you. I'm talking from experience. My mom got me my first office job working with her when I started college. I was studying Law but after working with my mom, an accountant, I changed majors and haven't looked back :-)

  4. Hi, I've been reading your blog for a while now and decided to say hello!
    Like you we are a one income family, DH is studying full time a Uni, two DD's 16 and 13 and one step daughter 18 all of whom are still at high school.
    I'm a nurse that works 4 days a week and whilst the pay is not the greatest penalty rates for working weekends helps us get by. Just thought you might be interested to hear about life in Oz and how hard it is sometimes for us as well over here on one income.

    1. Hi mawsey66 - thanks for commenting! I'm sure it's not easy on one income anywhere (though if you ask my son, who wants to move to Oz, it's the greatest place on earth!). How much longer does your DH have at Uni? Good luck to you and your family!

  5. Good luck to both of them! Fingers crossed!
