Thursday, October 3, 2019

Trying to sell something

I recently came across this funny video. DH and I got a chuckle out of it.  Now even more so, since he listed his trailer for sale.

People are just like this, haha. The latest one to message DH says

what did you haul in it dirt or concrete?
Dirt and gravel. The last load was topsoil, so it's dirty inside box. I hauled a few loads of topsoil and one load of gravel. A friend hauled a few loads of dirt with it. The guy I bought it from didn't use it much.
oh, ok it looks like it hauled concrete (how he could see this when the picture DH posted didn't even show the inside of the box!)
How did the paint chip off the front end of trailer? were you sandblasting next to it?
I don't know how it chipped off, it was that way when I bought it. It's used, as I said in the ad.
So, then DH used the hose, sprayed out the box, tipped it up and took 2 pictures and sent to the guy.
Does this show it better?
oh, yes, you didn't have to do that
It needed to be cleaned out anyway
ok, well I'm interested, I'll let you know tonight 

Of course he never hear back from him.

Another guy wanted to complain about the condition it's in for it's age (from one picture) LOL. It's a dump trailer, of course it's going to have wear and tear after 8 years. The first owner didn't use it much, we hardly used it. I can only imagine what it would look like with regular use. Then the guy says "well, I have a buddy who can get me a new one for that price". DH said, well, then why are you messaging me about this one? LOL

When we listed our sofa and other misc items a couple months ago, I did the listing and messaging back and forth with the dingdongs. I'm sure by the time DH is done trying to sell this trailer he's not going to want to sell anything for a long time, LOL.


  1. Not kidding but my dh sold a boat in 1 day. Man called, came looked, and bought without checking the engine and paid asking price. You're not far from PA right?

  2. Funny video! There sure are a lot of nut jobs out there! I know there are people that like to wheel and deal. I'm just not one of them! Lol

    1. Neither is my DH or myself. Gives me a stomach ache!

  3. It's good that you can laugh about it. :)

  4. eBay is the same way now that they require you to have Best Offer feature on listings that are fixed price/buy it now. 7 listings and 4 lowball offers and counting.......lolz

    1. He gave up on ebay quite awhile ago after helping his best friends widow sell a bunch of car parts.

  5. Oh my, I feel your pain. I have bought several things from Facebook buy sell pages. I was successful getting all of them because of the flakes that responded and never followed through. Because of what I have seen happen to others I have never sold anything, but my husband sold a camper and my son sold a car recently with no issues. Good luck to your husband!

    1. I didn't have too much problem selling the smaller items recently, though did get a lot of messages asking it it was still available, then no reply.

  6. I am an admin for a Facebook buy and sell group- people are ridiculous. They bid and win items, then no show and come up with the worst excuses! Or they don't ask questions and are upset when the item is not to their expectations. If you can afford something new, why bother second handing it? Otherwise a good condition item shouldn't be undervalued just because!

    1. I couldn't imagine being an admin for a page like that. no thanks, haha!

  7. I only tried briefly to sell some stuff in the local newspaper but all I got was scam artists. They were inevitably interested in "your item" (they never actually named the article that was for sale as they obviously always used the same text), then they were "currently travelling in Burkina Faso" and could I ship it - and they would pay extra. It was all a scam, they paid the extra and then their money transfer bounced of course (not that I fell for it). Couldn't be bothered after that! But good luck to your hubbie!

    1. We used to try to sell stuff on Craiglist every so often quite a few years ago. Same type of scams. So annoying. Do they really thing people are that stupid.

  8. My husband is convinced that people do this for entertainment. I don't even bother anymore trying to sell things. I have even had issues when the item was being given away for free. The local thrift store gets all my unwanted items now.

    1. Small items are definitely easier to just give to local thrift store. We don't have much choice but craigslist or marketplace in trying to sell a bigger $ type item.

  9. I have found some incredible buys on the fb pages, but have sold just a few things. After a few times I found it was easier to just give it to a charity thrift store..
