Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Making progress in the week

Mom got all moved yesterday. She called me early evening, after she and her BF got back upstairs from dinner. She sounded really good, even considering how tired I'm sure she was. I called her again this morning and she had just gotten back from breakfast. She has to go back to her old home to return the gate remote that her BF had and also put her garbage cans out. She still has unpacking and such to do, but of course, she has all the time now to do that. She keeps saying how nice and welcoming everyone there has been. She sounds really good and I'm glad it's all done now.

It sounds like she is just transferring her Comcast/Xfinity account to the new home. Good for me, LOL, as I use her Xfinity log in to watch a few channels for free on our tv. So, it doesn't look like I'm going to have to start forking out $45/mo for live tv streaming just yet, haha.

DH went and got his permanent crown put on this morning. Now he is at the Forest service office getting a burn permit, as today is the first day you can burn again. We have 2 big piles to get burned.

Yesterday he got our flag pole up. Sure looks nice there. This is how small this area is...he's at the dentist office this morning (like 30 miles away) and one of the assistants is the sister of one of the guys that worked on our topsoil job. They live about 5 miles from us. This morning she said "you got a new flagpole" LOL.

Still no green grass. Just a few blades coming up. Pretty sure we're going to have to wait until Spring now...and probably replant, somehow, as the past few days it's been hundreds of birds show up and eating all the grass seeds! Don't know how to plant grass, if they are just going to eat the seeds. There's $400 in grass seed wasted.

Tonight we are going out to dinner with our old neighbors we lived across the street from in town. Haven't gone out to dinner in too long, with them. We are going to try a new restaurant. Well, I'm not sure if they have ever eaten there and it's technically not new, but apparently it has new owner/cook and they keep posting pics of the food on Facebook and it looks so good, so we are going to give them a try. The last time DH and I went out to dinner was 2 months ago.

I'm trying to get my mail order prescriptions transferred to our new insurance plans rx service. I almost forgot until I was refilling my weekly pill container and realized I only have about 11 days left and of course OptumRx/United Healthcare isn't going to send me the refills now, since I no longer have that insurance. Yesterday I got a hold of my new mail mail order pharmacy which is Alliance/Walgreens. She said they would contact the old one and get transferred. A guy called back this morning that they were having trouble - either I didn't have refills left or they needed to contact my doctor. I said I have 2 90 day refills left and he also took down my doctor name and phone number. Hopefully they will get it figured out. I would think it would be a pretty similar process of just going to a new pharmacy and having them transfer, which has always been easy.

I was trying to get to $20 in MTurks income yesterday but by the end of the day I was at $16. Then I looked at my emails and realized I received 2 nice bonus's totaling $6 and was at $22, so that made me happy and I had reached my daily goal. It's mid day today and I'm up to $11. Supposedly, I'm supposed to get some bonus's from a couple hits I did today, but no idea how much. I think at least $1.


  1. Some people cover grass seed with straw but my husband wouldn’t have that-it’s messy to clean up. I redid our front yard totally from seed. It’s not nearly as big as yours but I spread the seed then ran a rake over it lightly then added a very thin layer of topsoil over the top of it. The snow should have helped yours work down in so come spring you may have more than you think. The weather forecast for the next two weeks is cooler than normal so you may run out of time for it this year. And yeah, the birds will eat a lot of the seed. When I did my front yard I worked on it all spring and summer, replanting seed as needed. But the end result was nice.

    1. we got some straw but like you said, its so messy to clean up (we used some on muddy areas last spring) and DH hasn't wanted to put it down. I hope you are right and more seed got down in that first week and the snow then we realize.

    2. We use straw over top of grass seed with no clean up issues. By the time the grass is high enough and tough enough to mow it has composted down nicely. It is actually a law in Delaware that straw or another cover be used when developers plant grass seed now. We don't have to at our farm just do it to keep seed safe.

    3. We put some down last winter but it didn't compost, so it was a pain to clean up. Our neighbors put it down at the top of their dog run and it doesn't seem to compost either. Weird.

  2. So glad to hear your mom got moved & is settling in! I'm sure everyone is breathing a sigh of relief! How far is she from where she moved? So she's still familiar with the are? Is she still driving? I know so many places have shuttles to take people all over town (like where my parents are) so you don't really need a care if you don't want. Once my parents moved into independent living, I just felt so much better knowing they were safe & secure. They also have the alert buttons they wear around their necks (or a suppose to!) - for medical assistance if needed. Do they offer this where your mom is at?

    1. It's a big relief. She is about 30 minutes from where she used to live. She is familiar with the area because that is also where her boyfriend lives and she knows alot of the people who live in the facility from visiting him all the time. They do have shuttles, too.

  3. I'm so glad your mom is happy in her new home. I know that gives you peace of mind.
    I love the evergreens on/around your property. They are beautiful!!

    1. Yes, both DD and I both keep saying how relieved we are. It is sure a beautiful area here, we love it :)

  4. I'm so glad your mom got moved so quickly. It really seems to have gone so fast!!! I'm sure she'll love it!

    1. It was super quick sale and close. But she got through it and can get settled in her new place now.
