Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Quick bits

Got a little good news. DD got released from jury duty yesterday morning, so at least we don't have to worry about that tomorrow when she's trying to pick me up at the airport and Friday, when she was taking me to my mom's.

Mom's BF has an appointment with his doctor, both his kids, and my mom (if she decides to go) tomorrow to discuss his end of life wishes. From what my mom said it kind of sounds like his daughter is trying to talk him out of it.

Not being physically at the office, I'm sometimes out of the loop as to what is going on. There was an email about a coworker's last day at the office tomorrow. Turns out she is moving clear across the country with her DH, so they can help out his parents. She has been with the company for quite awhile (about 10 years) and is a valuable employee. They are going to let her try to work remotely, too, though just aren't sure how well it will work with the 3 hour time difference. I hope it works out for her and the company.

I just checked in for my flight and got the boarding pass on my phone. I got the TSA precheck pass again :) Not a huge deal at this tiny airport, but at least I don't have to take my shoes or coat off, haha. I hope I get it coming back, like I did last time. That is the airport where it is nice to have.

Well, gotta do a load of laundry so I have some clean clothes to wear and take! We don't have to leave for the airport until about 2:15 but I'm taking the full day off work. Lord knows I have enough days to use up. And I'll be home later Sunday evening, but I'm also taking Monday off.


  1. I do hope your mom's bf's wishes are heard. I don't think anyone chooses dying with dignity lightly, but I can imagine you don't want to see your parent leave the earth :(

    Have a safe flight and a productive trip.

  2. Have a safe trip.
    I hope all goes well.

  3. Hope you have a safe flight and a good visit with your daughter and your mom.

  4. Have a good trip and best of luck to your mom's BF!
